DNS Server Isn't Responding Fix All Versions of Windows [Tutorial]
DNS Server Isn’t Responding Fix All Versions of Windows [Tutorial]
When you try to connect to the Internet, the connection might fail when we run the Troubleshooter, and you might get this error: The device or resource (DNS server) is not responding. The exact error would be:
You computer appears to be correctly configured, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.
If you want to access any website on the Internet, you need to access the DNS server first. After DNS server receives your request, you’ll be directed to the desired website. As you can see, DNS server is a crucial component of the Internet. Unfortunately, few users reported DNS server is not responding error message on their Windows 10 PC, therefore today we’re going to show you how to fix this problem.
Issues addressed in this tutorial:
dns server not responding windows 7
dns server not responding windows 10
dns server not responding windows 8
dns server not responding fix
dns server not responding after windows update
dns server not responding after windows 10 upgrade
dns server not responding after windows 10 update
dns server not responding cmd
dns server not responding constantly
dns server not responding error in windows 10
dns server not responding error solution
This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7 operating systems.Works for all major computer manufactures (Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung).
by MDTechVideos
windows server dns
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Man, this really helped me. Short and straight forward info, tnx