Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Do you really need 'real' or physical network devices to become CCNA ?

In this video, we talked about one of the most frequent question ng mga aspring CCNA and network engineers na kagaya mo. Which is…

Do you really need real or physical network devices to become CCNA?

I share my personal insight and opinion(based from my personal experience) about this question.

I also share some practical reasons and considerations that will help you decide if you’re thinking to buy real Cisco routers and switches foryour CCNA self-study.

I’m also inviting you to my premium training program(self-paced online course) called CCNA MasterClass. It’s a step-by-step guide that will help you learn all the fundamentals of networking and will help you prepare for your CCNA certification.

Visit this link for complete details and instructions:

Here’s the summary of what you’re gonna get:
-Complete CCNA 200-301 video tutorials
-Quizzes + explanation videos
-Practice Exam
-Lab exercises and challenges
-Private Facebook study group
-Downloadable slides
-Training certificate
-Priority support

Plus awesome bonuses:

-The New CCNA Fundamentals Ebook
-Expert Interview Series
-Goal-setting and self-study tips
-Self-study calendar
-Career tips
-Access to CCNAPH exclusive events
-CCNA Masterclass audio verson

It’s on 50% discount again but the enrollment is only until Friday(Aug 6).

Visit this link for complete details and instructions:

Please consider subscribing na rin to this channel for more I.T career tips.

Thank you!


cisco academie

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