Docker Tips – Full Ubuntu GUI in a Container Displayed on Windows (XServer)

Run Ubuntu Desktop Environment in a Docker Container and Display on Windows.
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00:00 Introduction
00:34 XServer on Windows
00:52 Build Lubuntu Desktop Image from scratch
03:31 Run Lubuntu Desktop Container
03:55 Testing Lubuntu Apps in Docker Container
05:25 Build Ubuntu Desktop Image from scratch
06:07 Run Ubuntu Apps in Docker Container
06:29 Testing Ubuntu Apps in Docker Container
07:57 Conclusion

▶️ GUI Apps in a Linux Container on Windows:

💻 XServer for Windows:

📝 Dockerfiles:

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#linux #docker #gui



29 thoughts on “Docker Tips – Full Ubuntu GUI in a Container Displayed on Windows (XServer)

  • where did I go wrong?

    * Starting system message bus dbus [ OK ]

    New seat seat0.

    * Starting X display manager lightdm Failed to load configuration from lightdm.conf: Key file does not start with a group

    [+0.00s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log

    [+0.00s] DEBUG: Starting Light Display Manager 1.30.0, UID=0 PID=49

    [+0.00s] DEBUG: Loading configuration dirs from /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d

  • how to run kalilinux on same setup ? can you make a video on this ?

  • Your explanations are excellent. I think this is exactly what I need and have been needing for the past week, but had to spend the week learning to understand that. I'm excited to try this tomorrow!

  • Hello, have any way how to play into world of Warcraft in the docker container?

  • Doesn't seem to work despite following exact instructions. The idea of Docker containers having a display is starting to feel like an urban legend.

  • I am getting the below error when I build the image using the ubuntu docker file.

    Failed to open CK session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files

  • Would this work well on a TruNAS scale setup since it also uses docker containers? I’m wanting to have a remote environment to connect to. And would it be possible to connect xrdp via my iphone because I would be likely installing steam and stuff so I can login and enable remote play to do steam link on devices.

  • Hi, nice video. I tried in my Dell Laptop with 8 Gb ram. I can start Xming and launch my Ubuntu, but then it freeze. Apparently the memory is not enough

  • thanks to this information I was able to create kali linux with rdp interface

  • what is PC configuration ?? maybe that's what explained slow performance with full desktop environment

  • Thanks a ton!!!! you saved me a lot of headache and I learned a good bit of methods from your video

  • please please please…. i cannot able to start this with mac; i just install xQuartz but iam not able to connect

  • good day, when trying to run my image i created i get an error on docker: "Error invoking remote method 'docker-run-container': Error: (HTTP code 400) unexpected – invalid reference format" how do i fix this??

  • Made the same experience about Firefox being slow… but it’s very responsive if I use VNC even YouTube.
    A friend told me X11 protocol is limited by default… not sure about this.

  • can i use this tecnicque with mac? i cannot replicated on that, how i can use on that like XServer?

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