Does Google Care About Linux Security?

Matt and Tyler talk about their week in Linux, System17’s new keyboard, and Google’s pay to play in the Linux Kernel.

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[show notes]

NEWS **Links (One each) (What’s in the News?)**

Matt – https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/05/system76-launch-configurable-keyboard

Tyler -https://www.linuxuprising.com/2021/05/turn-your-tablet-or-phone-into-graphic.html

**Main Topic – Google Cares About Linux Security?**

**Apps of the Week**

Matt – beets https://github.com/beetbox/beets

Tyler – Dust3D https://dust3d.org/

Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
0:37 Our Week in Linux
5:41 Contact Info
6:14 News
18:13 Google is Evil
31:02 Apps of the Week
35:42 Conclusion


by The Linux Cast

linux foundation

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