Domain Name System hierarchy | DNS How it works

DNS basics:

In this video I am discussing the hierarchy of DNS system.

DNS translates domain names to IP addresses using hierarchical structure.
When a user types any URL in the browser, the operating check its own memory to find out the IP address for that URL.
If it does not find then it forwards its request to local DNS server, normally provided by the ISP.
This local DNS after checking its own cache for IP, sends a request to Root DNS.
Root Sever maintain the record of Top level domain Servers, it sends an IP of Top Level Domain.
Top level domain servers can represent either the type of organization or the country of origin

Top Level Domain Severs maintain the record of Secondary level domain Servers
The local DNS, finally gets connected with second level domain server and finds out he IP address of the URL and forwards that to the user.

User then gets connected with the computer where our requested URL is hosted and gets the contents from there.



by GD Networking Newbie

linux dns server

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