Don't enter the dark web
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Don’t enter the dark web
by IamLucid2
linux web server
I wish I never went on the darkweb when I was 12. It changed me and I wish I could undo it.
If that surprised you you need to just stay off the internet in general. Blindly just going on thinking it would all be fake hitmen and drugs. It’s 80% cp. 10% unfinished govt websites and startup companies. And then 10% criminal trade.
don't you have to actively search for it rather than stumble into it????
The person with the horse mask in the cp in the thumbnails sounds like a horrifying story and thoes kids were kidnapped maybe, i pray to god that thoes kids are safe and away from that horse man and get the help they need🙏🙏🙏✝️✝️✝️😨
BTW CP stands for:
Child Po**ography
Cp stands for cod points 😎😎
CP stands for child porn for those who don’t know because I was thinking for a second what could be on the dark web and this guy wouldn’t want to say on YouTube that stands for CP so I thought of child porn
The internet really let all the mentally ill get together
Dark web links?
I wander if the CIA or FBI have dummy accounts on the Dark Web that advertises such gut wrenching stuff. That would be a good way to catch predators.
CP, animal abuses, sexual violence (R words) should never exist. I’m so sick of CP, those cruelty animal abuses in China where cute looking girls unalive animals in the footages and I happened to see it from LINE or even Facebook when it wasn’t so filtered. It was very bad. It still is.
Yo where’d you find that cheese pizza?
"CP" stands for c#!ld c0rn0graphy
When I went on the dark web only thing I accidental stumbled upon a weopons dealer
It's a sad day when a decent man can't even get hand grenades anymore
What does CP stand for
Yall are slow it stands for child po*n
The type of content that has the most popularity on the dark web is illegal pornography—more specifically, child pornography. About 80% of its web traffic is related to accessing child pornography despite it being difficult to find even on the dark web.
Ask You that don't know cp stand for child pornography
Wooo nicd hair 😊
The dark web isn't that bad except for everything but not that bad
How hell no
Yooooo we getting cod points??? Imma go
why were they scared of rajon rando ?
I know this is serious but why did he say that was his first time going on it that means he's gone on it multiple times
Bro's talking like the dark web is tiktok, do you know how hard it is for me to even find normal videos?
Yes I also have this kind of experience
Cp =Jeffrey Epstein
Cop peepal
It’s called doll
I sweat can these pedestrians ATLEAST wait untill their 13+ so they won't suffer permanent body damage from it.
What is cp
Protect Minors at All Cost
but Cheese Pizza is wild 🍕💀
Some People Just Like To Earn a Special Place in Hell
Child po?
For those who don’t know already cp stand for child p0rn ):
Cp is bad news
Thats sad 😢
Ok I'm not talking about this and I don't know but it is probably child porn
as a child, this genuiely disturbing tf outta me but who isnt getting disturbed bfr