Download and Install Bitcoin Blockchain in a Ubuntu OS: Steps and Commands (BTC-1)
Bitcoin Core is programmed to decide which block chain contains valid transactions. The users of Bitcoin Core only accept transactions for that block chain, making it the Bitcoin block chain that everyone else wants to use. This video shares setup and commands to download and install a bitcoin blockchain on a Ubuntu OS. The commands uses in the video are mentioned below for ready reference:
gpg –import laanwj-releases.asc
gpg –list-keys
gpg –verify SHA256SUMS.asc
sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS.asc 2 {greater than sign}&1 | grep OK
Untar the tar file with tar xzf bitcoin-0.21.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
Install the Bitcoin blockchain : sudo install -m 0755 -o root -g root -t /usr/local/bin bitcoin-0.21.1/bin/*
To start Bitcoin Core GUI : /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-qt
To start the Bitcoin daemon CLI way : bitcoind -daemon
Few of the CLI commands to extract useful info from the bitcoin blockchain are mentioned below:
getblockhash height : Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.
getdifficulty : Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty
getrawmempool : Returns all transaction ids in memory pool as a json array of string transaction ids.
getblockcount : Returns the number of blocks in the longest blockchain.
getpeerinfo : Returns data about each connected network node as a json array of objects.
getblockhash height : Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at height provided.
listtransactions : Returns up to ‘count’ most recent transactions skipping the first ‘from’ transactions.
getnettotals: Returns information about network traffic, including bytes in, bytes out,and current time.
Getmininginfo : Returns a json object containing mining-related information.
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