Download and install Chrome on Ubuntu 20.04

Beginning Ubuntu Linux Series:
Beginning Linux with Ubuntu 20.04 – basic desktop, applications, folder and command line:

Beginning Linux with Ubuntu 20.04 more basic terminal commands and using Sublime text:

Beginning Linux with Ubuntu 20.04 cat, more, less, ip, ifconfig, netstat:

Beginning Linux with Ubuntu 20.04 – df, tree, filesystems, permissions:

Beginning Linux with Ubuntu 20.04 – ps, top and grep:

Beginning Linux with Ubuntu 20.04.1 – updating, upgrading the system:

Using Series:
Using Rythmbox to rip an audio CD on Ubuntu 20.04:

Using SimpleScreenRecorder on Ubuntu 20.04:

Installing Series:
Installing Netdata and Raspbian VM on Ubuntu 20.04.1:

Installing MS Teams and F5 VPN client on Ubuntu 20.04.1:

Installing Ubuntu 18.04 as a VM on Ubuntu 20.04.1:

Installing VirtualBox and signing kernel modules for secure boot:

Installing Chrome on Ubuntu 20.04:

Installing fonts on Ubuntu 20.04:

Installing OpenShot Video Editor on Ubuntu 20.04:

Installing and using video editing software on Ubuntu 20.04:

Installing codecs on Ubuntu 20.04:

Installing an app on Ubuntu 20 04 for the first time – alt version:

Installing an app on Ubuntu 20 04 for the first time:

Install and Upgrade Ubuntu Series:
Installing Ubuntu 20 04 on Dell laptop to run off a USB stick:

Dist(ribution) upgrading Ubuntu 18.04 VM to Ubuntu 20.04.1:


ubuntu download

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