Dual Boot Windows 11 and Ubuntu 23.10 | 24.04 LTS Linux
00:00 What is Dual Boot and How to Dual Boot Windows and Linux
In this video, we’ll walk you through the simplest method to dual boot Windows 11 and Linux. These steps are also applicable to Windows 10, as well as other Linux distributions or alternative operating systems you may choose to use (Linux Mint , Fedora , Debian , CentOS , Arch Linux , openSUSE , Zorin OS , PrimeOS , ChromeOS , ..)
00:18 Step 1: how to create a partition in windows
To successfully set up a dual boot configuration of Windows 11 and Linux on your computer, you’ll need to create a partition These steps are also applicable to Windows 10
00:58 Step 2 Download Ubuntu and Create a bootable USB Ubuntu
01:15 Download Rufus
01:27 Create a bootable USB using Rufus Ubuntu 23.10.1 (Mantic Minotaur)
02:06 Step 3: install ubuntu alongside windows 11 | windows 10
03:39 switching between windows to linux
A dual boot system allows a computer to run two different operating systems on the same device. Typically, this means having both Windows and a Linux or other distribution (like Ubuntu,Linux Mint , Fedora , Debian , CentOS , Arch Linux , openSUSE , Zorin OS , PrimeOS , ChromeOS , ..) installed on the same computer, and the user can choose which one to boot into when starting up the system.
How to dual boot windows 11 and ubuntu linux [Easy Way]
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Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat) alongside windows 11
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विंडोज 10 और उबंटू को डुअल बूट करें
विंडोज 10 और लिनक्स को डुअल बूट करें
विंडोज 11 और उबंटू को डुअल बूट करें
विंडोज 11 और लिनक्स को डुअल बूट करें
switching between windows to linux
how to install linux on windows 11
Is it good to dual boot Windows 10 and Ubuntu?
What is the risk of dual-booting?
Does dual boot slow down PC?
حل مشكلة عدم ظهور النظام الثانى عند الأقلاع
تشغيل كالي لينكس مع الويندوز
تشغيل لينكس مع الويندوز
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تثبيت اوبنتو بجانب ويندوز 11
تشغيل لينكس بجانب ويندوز
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