Dynamic & Static IP | Port Forwarding | Dynamic DNS | NAT | Remote Desktop | Part 2
Slide Link: https://github.com/RohanFarooqui/Youtube-Uploads/blob/main/Remote%20Desktop/2.Remote%20Desktop%20(RDC).pdf
⌚Timestamps :
00:00 ▶ Intro
00:18 ▶ Two Type of IP’s
00:23 ▶ What is Static IP?
01:06 ▶ What is Dynamic IP?
02:07 ▶ What is a port and What is Port Forwarding?
03:39 ▶ What is Dynamic DNS?
05:08 ▶ What is NAT (Network Address Translation)?
07:47 ▶ Outro
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by Rohan Farooqui
windows server dns forwarder