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Easy static IP configuration — tutorials for Windows, macOS, Android, and iPhone

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A static IP address can enable remote access solutions and enhance your network’s security. And while IP configuration may sound like a daunting task, it’s actually pretty simple. Just follow our short tutorial for your device and set a static IP with ease.

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00:00 Intro
00:18 How to set a static IP address in MacOS
00:50 How to set a static IP on Windows
01:33 How to set a static IP address on Android
01:57 How to set a static IP address on iPhone


How to set a static IP address in MacOS:
1. Click on the Apple icon and select “System settings.”
2. Select “Network” and then choose the network you’re using.
3. Select “Details…”
4. Select “TCP/IP.”
5. Click on “Configure IPv4” and select “Manually.”
6. Input the IP you want to be static.
7. Click “OK.”

How to set a static IP on Windows:
1. Open the “Control panel” and click on “Network and internet.”
2. Tap on “Network and Sharing Center” and select “Change adapter settings”
3. Click “Change adapter settings” then right click either Wi-Fi or Ethernet.
4. Click on “Properties”, then select “TCP/IPv4.”
5. Click “Properties” and select “Use the following IP address.”
6. Enter the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server of your choice.
7. Click “OK.”

How to set a static IP address on Android:
1. Open the “Settings” app on your Android device and tap on “Connections.”
2. Select “Wi-Fi.”
3. Tap the gear icon which appears beside your current network.
4. Select “IP settings” and then “Static.”
5. Input your static IP address and tap “Save.”

How to set a static IP address on iOS:
1. Open “Settings” and select “Wi-Fi.”
2. Tap the information icon next to the network you’re connected to.
3. Tap on “Configure IP”, then select “Manual.”
4. Input your “IP address.”



#staticIP #staticIPconfiguration #tutorial


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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