EEVblog 1615 – Dumpster Dive HP Pro One PC
It’s been slim pickings in the dumpster room in recent times, will this HP Pro One 400 all-in-one touch screen PC be a winner?
Part 2:
Lenovo IdeaCentre Dumpster find:
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how to repair windows 7
UPDATE: I have tried cleaning the sensors and edges, nothing. I have also tried Ubuntu 24.04 on a USB stick and nothing.
Regarding the touch screen not working: We used to turn off the touch screen in the BIOS so when people pointed at the screen they didn't accidentally click anything. Might check the BIOS for disabled touch interface.
Great find! It’s too bad that Windows 11 is going to make so many PCs obsolete.
Did you ever find a Wyse (Dell) PC?
why no linux 🥺👉👈
There is a serial connector on the back of this huge microcontroller, so you could flash your own program. ;-D
All my best PCs and or Systems have came from the dumpster at work. I really love finding dozens of the HP EliteDesk Minis. G1-G8. All of them have 8 gig DDR4 and an Nvme 256 SSD. Just thrown away, I'm restarting my collection of NEC P4xx systems for a complete display wall for the everyday low low price of A few cables, and a little work, outside of work hours. 😂😆 It amazes me how much potential money just mixed with the rubbish.
I love your videos and want you to keep doing them💞
Is the touchscreen controlled by / turned off in BIOS?
There's no chance that's a SCSI disk. It's plugged into some kind of off-brand SATA controller that presents itself to Windows as a SCSI interface, hence windows labels it as a SCSI drive.
There is no Unknown devices in Device Manager, so I don't think it is a driver issue for the touchscreen. It is not even detected. Either it needs to be enable in the BIOS or hardware problem. You can try turning the lights off and point your digital camera to those sensors and see if they are alive.
Nice slot machine emulator you got there, if the touchscreen was working 😢
Better if the touch screen don't work. Greasy mit prints everywhere, yuck.
A 4th gen i5 and 12 GB of RAM is totally usable nowadays. Sure you can't use it to for gaming at the highest graphics settings, but for all other applications it's more than enough. Good find!
Nice, who cares about touch screen Dave.
Hands up all those that like fingerprints all over their screen V those that like a clean screen with mouse and keyboard !
Dave, will you do a debunk video on Embr Wave wearables, it seems to me a TEC peltier module that's app controllable over bluetooth from phone
they even have subscription plans to ripoff people
would do finely for a bunch of uses. with touchscreen would make a nice control screen for bunch of stuff.
If you plan on using the touchscreen, you might want to try and find the original Windows 8.1 restore disk. It was designed for touchscreen computers, that's why everybody hated it. If not, Windows 10 might be a better choice.
I'm fed up with this. – Our 'dumpsters' around here have broken chairs and dead cats in them. No electronics EVER.
If "Joshua" doesn't work, try "overgrown pile of microchips" or "silicon diode" 😉
Specs should be enough for cat videos.
Have you checked the BIOS for touch screen? Maybe someone disabled it.
you legitimise something invaluable to people who love to learn about electronics. dumpster diving Dave strikes again (right through my cold dead heart)
Dave it's a HP Leave it in the Dumpster mate
I fail to see the problem with advising to install Linux on this.
Put the latest Debian or Fedora on it! All the latest Linux distros will run on a potato, especially if you use LXDE. Windows is for lusers.
Nice. But you should install Linux on it to make it a proper computer.
Wow Dave's impression of a commenter was spot on. I thought for a second he was playing a recording of an actual commenter.
Install Linux on it. Install Linux on it.
nice find
When hard drives show up as SCSI it's almost always a regular hard drive that is set to RAID mode in the BIOS.
Im glad someone likes the all in ones. Nice score Dave.
u can in fact install win11(bypassed)
Regarding the computer records. What happens is, somebody owes money. A crew comes in and seizes property such as furniture, desks, water cooler, and computers. Then they auction it off. These are untrained people that have no idea of what is on the computer or how to process it. So a computer with confidential data gets sold to a random guy.
You have amazing dumpsters. The one nearest my house smells of pee, and the only thing interesting was a passed out Ukrainian bum with a stray cat asleep on his back.
I had one of these with the cheapest, slowest CPUs ever invented. Couldn't change it because it was soldered to the board.
w8 has touchscreen support build-in. w7 doesn't.
Stealing and hacking in one go
Windows 10 will work but may be slower than Win 7.
With the amount of good stuff that you find I think you should get a shipping container or buy an old warehouse and start storing everything even stuff that’s not USB three with the way things are going today you don’t know how long you got tell company start taking back electronics and you don’t really own it they’re basically doing that with the recycle programs think about it how much useful technology gets thrown away every day I would love to have a laptop right now a desktop computer i’m on an iPad that I’ve have to upgrade soon so I can keep watching YouTube As sander cage would say it’s all the education we got
That hard drive location is designed for a 3.5" drive, the caddy is to adapt to 2.5"
Did Davey forget how to film horizontally? Lol
OOOH! how lucky to find computers like this, I love how you say "It´s kind of old" my computer is an AMD Phenom X2 black edition with 8GB RAM, A3 asus board, running W10 22H2 and its my every day, all day PC 😵💫
Try installing windows 10, then install tiny10. Tiny10 is designed to take out a huge amount out of bloatware windows 10 has so that it will run better on older PCs. Its a bit of a pain to install tiny10 but its well worth it in the end as it will make the thing so much more useable because windows 10 is still a supported OS. It’s also just a great option if you want to still be able to run windows and not have to install some custom Linux distro to remove a lot of the background processes from the CPU. I just wouldn’t recommend using Google chrome as your web browser, while it’s fantastic on modern computers, it will severely slow down this computer.
I have a few clients that have a lot of AiOs, all really good spec and none that can be upgraded to W11. Such a waste.
12gig is enough for Australia,…. Explain