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Email on the terminal with mutt

The colors file I mention:
Too hard? Try configuring mutt with my wizard? (older version) (better, but beta)



by Luke Smith

linux smtp server

26 thoughts on “Email on the terminal with mutt

  • 3:23 How do you go back up one command with your cursor at the start of the line?.
    When I press 'k' it goes up but the cursor is at the end of the line.

  • FCC failed. i follow exactly the same for 'set record = "+Sent". Please advise

  • Thanks
    I tried registering on cock-li , but it appears I need to have an invite from the existing user. Anybody pls? 🙂

  • I am trying to get mutt to read emails and filter out ones from a specific sender, and download an attachment if the name fits certain criteria. I want to use a bash script. But I can't even get it to list the emails from a specific sender, even though I know the sender is in my inbox. It keeps saying 'No recipients were specified.` Where do I even start to get this working?

  • This looks great.
    Can Mutt filter emails into folders automatically?
    I can't find anything about it.

  • I am wanting to install this to an ubuntu server. I need to cut some text from the email and past it in a command line. Can I do this in mutt?

  • I love this, being able to check my email from the terminal is awsome. I kind of wish I didn't have the page of tecnical info, but it's honestly kind of interesting to see what thunderbird usually hides

  • thanks so much, luke. now i use vim as my email client and thats so much fun. bye bye thunderbird! only thing is, i have to figure out how to deal with attachments at all.

  • be warned this email client is somewhat vulnerable

  • This is super useful. I had been struggling with mutt, but this covers everything ;)).
    Thanks for putting this up!

  • I was spending two days to find out why i am having SASL authentication error or handshake error (but mostly SASL) if i am trying to send email…This issue does affect gmail and hotmail also. port 587 was giving SASL error and port 465 was giving other errors. Finally i have found, that i need to source TWICE the password.gpg. Once for imap and once for smtp. It does not matter that the two passwords are same… Also it does matter where to insert them in muttrc file…
    Why in neomutt does need source separatelly in two .gpg files imap password.gpg and smtp password.gpg only in gmail and hotmail? Yahoo has not got this problem. Sourcing one file containing two lines for imap and smtp just works fine. But only for yahoo.
    If i put it in two separate lines but in one file i will get SASL error trying to send email…

    I am lazy to post this issue on github so writing here, hope will help people who are struggling with the same or similar issue. No need to waist two days from your life. 🙂

  • I am such a fan of mutt and have used it for my personal mail for a long time. But trying to extend to other emails is tricky. On my laptop I can grab my gmails no problem. But when I try to do is from a different linux box…. I get a weird error saying ssl_xoath token not found or something close. I have ssl_starttls and force_tls but still I get this strange difference between two systems that should be the same. Any hints on this? How does mutt interact with tls in order to get it working? Maybe TLS is broken on one box? hmmmm do you have any clues on this one?

  • Hi Luke, nice video. Thank you so much for it! What linux distro you use In this video?

  • how does this work with html designed templates and attachments.

  • how to use mutt in multiple email account?

  • Why? Really? Just for fun? Got it. A brain teaser? Got it. Unsecured email? Useless. BUT, JUST FOR FUN? I'M GOOD WITH THAT! :-). Thanks for the vid. New sub

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