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Eric Loyd: Nagios on AWS – Live Install and More! – Nagios Con 2014

“Nagios on AWS – Live Install and More!”

In this session, we will start with a brand new Amazon Web Service EC2 virtual instance install of Nagios Core, do some basic configuration and security hardening, install check_mk, and then have it monitor something. All right there, live, at the conference. New this year, we will also show how to expand this to additional servers automatically through AWS APIs.

Eric Loyd is the founder and CEO of Bitnetix Incorporated, an IT consulting and systems integration company located in Rochester, New York. Bitnetix has been providing VoIP service to small businesses and non-profits since 2007. In 2012, Bitnetix formed SmartVox and re-designed their global VoIP service offering to take advantage of the AWS platform. Mr. Loyd presented at Nagios World Conferences in 2012 and 2013. He has over 25 years of IT experience, 10 years in senior management, and is a musician, photographer, amateur astronomer, and aspiring serial entrepreneur.

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