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Ethical Hacking Mastercourse 2024 | Part 2

Ethical Hacking Mastercourse 2024 | Part 2

This comprehensive Ethical Hacking course aims to equip beginners with practical skills in penetration testing and securing systems. It assumes no prior knowledge and covers various hacking fields in a hands-on, example-driven manner. Here’s a structured summary of the course content:

Course Overview
Target Audience: Beginners with no prior hacking knowledge.
Approach: Emphasis on practical examples and hands-on exercises rather than theoretical lectures.
Sections Breakdown
Network Hacking
Pre-connection Attacks:
Techniques to gather information about networks without connecting or knowing passwords.
Discovering connected devices and managing connections.
Gaining Access:
Cracking network keys (WEP, WPA, WPA
– Techniques to gain access to target networks.

Post Connection Attacks:
Exploiting connected devices to intercept data, redirect requests, inject code, etc.
Creating fake WiFi networks (honeypots) to lure and attack users.
Gaining Access

Server Side Attacks:
Techniques to gain remote access to computer systems without user interaction.
Gathering system information, identifying vulnerabilities, and exploiting them.
Automated vulnerability scanning and report generation.
Client Side Attacks:
Methods to install backdoors through software updates or downloads.
Social engineering tactics to gather user information and create trojans.
Post Exploitation

Techniques for interacting with compromised systems:
Accessing file systems, executing commands, maintaining access.
Surveillance methods such as keylogging, webcam activation, and screenshots.
Using compromised systems as pivot points for further attacks.
Website / Web Application Hacking

Understanding how websites function and gathering information about them.
Exploiting vulnerabilities such as:
Information Disclosure, File Upload, Code Execution, Local and Remote File Inclusion.
SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS).
Tools Covered
Virtualization: VMware
Operating Systems: Kali Linux, Windows, macOS
Network Tools: Nmap, Bettercap, Wireshark, OWASP Zap, Metasploit, Nexpose
Exploitation Tools: SQLmap, Maltego, Veil Framework, The Backdoor Factory, BeEF
Miscellaneous Tools: Crunch, Netdiscover, Zenmap, arpspoof, Evilgrade, Netcat
Wireless Tools: Aircrack-ng suite (Aircrack-ng, Airmon-ng, Airodump-ng, Aireplay-ng)
Learning Outcomes
Practical Skills: Hands-on experience in hacking techniques across different systems and networks.
Security Awareness: Understanding vulnerabilities and how to secure systems against them.
Customization and Adaptation: Ability to modify techniques for different scenarios and situations.


by DevsWiki

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