EUDI Wallet Workshop March 18. 2024

On March 18, 2024, The OpenWallet Foundation hosted the European Commission as well as the four Large Scale Pilots for an in-depth presentation of the recently published EUDI Wallet Reference Code.

Over the course of 2+ hours, 350+ attendees learned about the code and saw the reference wallet in action. The discussion/questions with the presenters and audience was great and we expect there will be considerable follow-up (along with experimentation and use) as this project grows.

Below, please find the recordings, links to the slide presentation as well as links from the discussion. As with all OWF workshops, please continue the discussion on our mailing lists or the OWF Discord.

EU Digital Identity Wallet Workshop Links:

Website: EU Digital Identity Wallet Home – EU Digital Identity Wallet – (europa.eu)

The ARF and the code are on GitHub: European Digital Identity · GitHub

LinkedIn: EU Digital Identity Wallet: Overview | LinkedIn

X: EU Digital Identity Wallet (@EUdigitalID) / X (twitter.com):

Architecture and Reference Framework:

GitHub Repos:

OWF Links:
Website: https://openwallet.foundation/

Blog: https://openwallet.foundation/blog/

GitHub: https://github.com/openwallet-foundation

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/yjvGPd5FCU

Mailing Lists: https://lists.openwallet.foundation/

About EU Digital Identity Wallet Large Scale Pilots:
Four large-scale pilots (EWC, POTENTIAL, NOBID and DC4EU) started work in April 2023. The pilots will run for at least 2 years until March 2025 piloting the use of the EU Digital Identity Wallet around a range of use-cases including identification, signatures, eHealth, mobile driving license, digital travel credentials, payments authorisation, diplomas and others.

What are the Large Scale Pilot Projects – EU Digital Identity Wallet – (europa.eu)


by OpenWallet Foundation

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