Every Single Plane Crash – Air Disasters Seasons 5, 6, 7

A look at every single plane crash featured on Air Disasters Seasons 5, 6, & 7.

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19 thoughts on “Every Single Plane Crash – Air Disasters Seasons 5, 6, 7

  • Sec. Ron Brown was scheduled to testify at the Grand Jury against Hillary Clinton! Hmm….

  • They show a fiery impact and then show victims of the plane crash lying around in clean suits and combed hair! Can't you do better than that??

  • 1:18:00 yeah and they would all wear glasses with no problem… what a terrible attention to detail.

  • O, o , o! I know this one !! Meeee !!! Right? Smithsonian; Green Dot; Disaster Breakdown (love ya, Chloe!); Captain Joe; Mentour Pilot; ….

  • Sadly most incidents are caused by humans being human.

  • The bottom line is no radar no flying. It's as simple as that it's just not worth it but then I guess it depends on who it is and where they want to go. I have listened to endless hours almost every single plane crash available on YouTube and 99.99% of the time they can be prevented. That's what makes it even worse.

  • Did China Airlines caption say uneventfull , wow wouldnt want to be on his flight that had a problem

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