Exploring the Anti-MacBook
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Thanks to Tessan for sponsoring! Check out their universal travel adapter today: Amazon Link: https://amz.run/9FWp TESSAN …
how to repair windows 7
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One problem, it doesn’t run macOS
I would rather have a fan in my laptop than feeling like my laptop is killing itself
See that’s a such a good business model! Want a new CPU? Buy one… ya want a new graphics card? We got you.
I like the idea of modularity for devices, but the downside of that route is being suck in that form factor for all accessories.
Side by side though, the Framework looks very dated compared to laptops by other brands, not just Apple laptops.
Thats cool.
Thanks for likely introducing Framework to many of your viewers. I daily drive a Framework Laptop 13 with Linux Mint after 11 years on a MacBook Pro.
I'd go for the framework simply because it's the purist form of right to repair.
It's modularity makes it anyone's potential perfect laptop/desktop/tablet and it's upgradeability means you'll never have an outdated laptop.
Whereas with Apple you pay around the same money and within six months your shiny new toy is outdated, unrepairable and unupgradable.
“There’s a reason Apple charges $200 for 16GB of RAM”. Just a correction, you get 8GB as standard, so the $200 is for an extra 8GB of Ram, and every 8GB above that, another $200. That is beyond crazy.
It does sound backward for 2024, when I recently bought 32GB of RAM for my 2017 iMac for £80 ($100).
This won't last. Way too expensive for too little performance, being able to get a Macbook for the same price is crazy. It's a nifty idea but being forced to keep buying from Framework is a huge turnoff, you rely on them solely for any improvements or upgrades.
The way I see it is if Apple thought there was a market for this type of product or any laptop maker in fact, they would've done it already. The amount of money Framework has to spend on design for all the various parts, with future generations and upgrades, it's non-stop R&D which is the most expensive part of the process.
I'd never spend this kind of money to get such poor performance, it runs slower than my first ever laptop I got when I was 12 😂🤣
1. GREAT video Luke! Your best one in a couple of months! 2. I had a Pismo 20 years ago. Back around 1999 to 2000, Apple was huge into upgradability. You could easily switch out the hard drive, ram, CD drive, DVD drive and more! Hell, you could even upgrade from the 400MHZ to the 500MHZ processor because the chip was on a card that snapped in! If you didn't need a DVD or CD drive, you could rock TWO BATTERIES AT THE SAME TIME and thus double your time without a plug. Did I mention it also had an airport card? That Pismo was no joke. It was such a versatile machine, much more so than the Titanium that replaced it. Don't get me wrong I loved the Titanium, but if you were around back then and using laptops, the Pismos and Lombards were jaw dropping. People were stunned by them and how they could do anything. I know these things because I sold them at CompUSA. You should do a video about the Pismo sometime.
You probably just go with the Macbook because it will likely have better resale value.
My fidgeting would be taking apart the laptop while using it 😂😂
1000$ 2TB LOOOL Apple come on.
Embarrassing 😂
I’m just wondering someone dropping this laptop by accident 😂, darn you will see 100 pieces flying everywhere.
I'm SO curious if anyone has tried to Hackintosh one of this. I'm definitely buying one if it's possible. Oh! I almost forgot, Yuck Fou, Apple.
I wonder if Framework is going to incorporate Intel’s new power-efficient SOMs that they just announced to solve the fan noise problem.
Hahaha. One more useless laptop in the world. To pay more and get less on hardware. Wake up! Manufacturers are just trying to exploit anti-Mac sentiment to sell products.
Put Mac OS on it through Open Core and use it for a week. Your next video.
I really hate this whole "you can't upgrade your Macbook" stuff. We know. But why does nobody mention that the majority of high end windows laptops are also NOT upgradable? Arguably most you cannot upgrade the ram, storage, wifi, etc. Also to note, most high end windows laptops too lack ports. The macbook pro features more ports than many high end windows laptops. This Apple hate is just unreal when windows devices do the same damn thing…
So tempted by the concept of Framework. Anyone know how good the new Intel Core Ultra actually is? Also thinking the smart move would be to keep using my existing Mac gear and reexamine Framework once it either dies or doesn't accomplish what I need it to do. And has anyone noticed the dearth of used examples to purchase? Annoying right now, but a positive overall.
I wish the right to repair was standard in the tech industry. Not everyone has to go out of their way to make everything upgradable, but companies shouldn't purposely make tech unrepairable.
Loved it ! Thank you master Luke. Nicolas (you have a friend in Bordeaux, France, now 🙂 )
Why are we watching this commercial?
Framework has not et proposed a ARM version . Have they such plan ?
Apple users are so used to living on corporate propaganda and PR-speak they seem incapable of independent thought. Every component in that proprietary piece of crap is "upgradable" only so long as the first-party OEM releases a module, and to the extent they arbitrarily decide to allow. The MXM laptops, on the other hand, allowed true upgradability. I don't give a crap what my laptop looks like as long it performs the way I want. Let's stop pretending that this is somehow giving anyone any real "options".
I don't have a Macbook. I have used them and helped others with that, but have been on the Intel CPU platform for myself. I have no interest in using a Mac because of the proprietary everything. Intel is more open, but of course Microsoft Windows has some of the same negatives that Apple does. That includes spying and control.
So I hate Windows to, but also for other reasons. It is awful.
I fixed all the Windows 10 AND 11 problems with a single tool. And yes, Windows 11 is that bad, worse than Win 10 just from watching videos about that new "feature" named "Recall".
Linux Mint. is the "tool" I used to 'fix' it.
Yes, I do know Windows since I have used every Microsoft OS from the 1980s on…except for Windows 11, and in a corporate IT environment, while in the IT department as an expert.
After decades starting before MS Windows, I got fed up with it, and moved from Windows to Linux Mint 27 months ago. Don't miss Windows at all, and am not going back.
Just got a new Framework 16 Laptop – 100% repairable. I ordered mine without any OS and DIY, avoiding the Microsoft TAX.
https://frame.work/ and Put Linux Mint Edge on it. Life is good.
As a footnote, I just fixed a circa 2012 HP laptop for a friend. It would not boot, nor would the built in HP software do the repair on it that it was designed to do. I put Windows 8 and his data back on it. OMG, what a pain Windows and its installer is, not just Windows itself. I have installed more Windows that nearly anyone you could know. And in a corporate setting, we have better ways to get the job done. But it is still awful.
I think I might dual boot it with Linux if I have time before I deliver it.
Excellent content
Best company ever 👏
We must not criticize Apple. They will snatch your children while you sleep.
Spilt water on my 2019 Mac Pro, I’m leaving it to dry for as long as I can, I don’t have high hopes of any of it being recovered. It has put me off the idea of going Mac again. I like the idea of this however it seems a little to large
They should target thee business market with a model…
Zegler: But this is not 1937 anymore.
me watching this on my m3 MacBook ive only had for less than 30 days and already have a cracked track pad. I have apple care but I now I'm going to have to find time to take it an hour away and probably leave it there for several days as well and shell out another $100
Perhaps there will be a Snapdragon X Elite or Intel Arrow Lake component upgrade..
That doesn't need powerful noisy fan…
This was really interesting. It's not for me, but I enjoyed watching the video.
Wrong OS
The component I would like to see for the Framework laptop is an expansion base (something like the old Thinkpad UltraBase) to give you an optical drive, and maybe extra battery capacity. I've thought the way to build it is to have it attach itself to the laptop by slotting into the port bays (you would then have corresponding ports in the FrameBase (just to give it a clever name). DVD/BD laptop drives also get used in various low-profile desktop systems, and server systems, and they are pretty much standardized now (mainly down to the thickness of the drive).
Either way, it’s good news for the customer.
I currently am using the 13 inch framework. It's great.
No compromises = top speed connectors; T4?
Good effort but we have to take this on together; multi effort like the CD 💿 creation.
It will also need supernatural help.
Most unique laptop, but still needs Macbook in the video title for views
I bet you could do the reassembly in half the time if you used an electric screwdriver. Framework are you listening?