22 thoughts on “F u Windows 10.

  • Let me put all these questions and comments to rest. I have not touch the bios in a full year. Nothing has changed. Even if I set my bios to a latency, it would have not fixed the issue because another error would occur. No hardware was changed. And the backup was made last week. So If no changes were made in the hardware or the bios. And the backup was made last week. You need to ask yourself why Does this error occur? Even if I change the bio settings. It will no longer boot into windows. Therefore I can only run one shut up. And that's where the backup was made. And again reminder. I did not change the bio settings or even entered it in a full year. And the backup was made last week. And yet this error occurred. As far as Linux is concerned. I am heavily dyslectic, and I'm unable to write code. Yes, I know you can make it look like windows. However, Linux is not perfect and it does not support the majority of applications I use. Dare 4, it's unusable. Another note, I am not an average home user. I fix computers. And I build them. Custom build. And I also fixed computers and laptops for clients. The reason why I have more issues with windows than other people is because IM running way more hardware than the average person. More hardware means more complications and more errors that can occur. The main issue here is that Windows 11 or 10 makes it extremely difficult to repair if there is an issue with it.( Go use Linux.) Linux isn't perfect. And the reasons why there are not many views about it is because people simply do not make them. But there are just as much problems with Linux Ass wit windows And not being compatible with certain applications is one of them. If you want to use Linux, then be my guest. If you think it's great good for you. But don't act like Linux is the best because it's not. Yes, it's true more people are switching to Linux. But until it can run everything. And is compatible with multiple hardware. And applications I won't be using it. I mean, what good is an operating system If it cannot run the applications, you need to use. Note I do not need help with this. The server has already been fixed and restored and repaired. I appreciate your advice and your willingness to help out, but it's not needed. But I appreciate it none, the less.

  • You could have just uploaded the first 5 seconds of this video and we would all have agreed

  • I don't allow my Windows crap to ever update.
    It's just a big NO.
    No matter what.
    And I'll never use Windows 11 I can tell you that.

  • Sounds like bro hasn't run sfc /scannow in command prompt since the beginning of time.

  • its probably done by microsoft directly to tyr and force people into backing things up to the scam called the cloud

  • I was so burnt by windows, I bought a mac. Never looked back since

  • Watch the "tech that let me down" special 2 by dankpods. It has a very good summary on stuff getting worse over years.

  • Should try to find a way to rollback to Windows 7 and pirate video games I would have a back up flash drive with Windows 10 though if your problem isn't solved.

  • I'd run memtest86+ if i were you! Then you can spill shiz if there are no errors. I did the same thing, then i realized it was not them fault, it was just faulty ramstick!

  • and that's how ladies and gentlemen's a Linux/MacOS user born

  • you took the image in legacy boot and were booted in UEFI mode. go into BIOS and disable EFI boot switching to legacy (should be in the boot section of BIOS) the reason this could have happened is you may have both boot options enabled (legacy fall back) many motherboard manufacturers on older hardware had UEFI boot first if the EFI couldnt find the boot file it then rebooted into legacy and booted as legacy BIOS. so your flash drive may be the only EFI device you have currently. best way to fix this is to boot in legacy mode from your media do the recovery then going into windows RE (hold shift while pressing reboot) and going to command prompt and typing in mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos it will check to make sure you can convert then doing mbr2gpt /convert /allowfullos what this will do is convert your legacy boot to EFI this will also help in future updates inside of windows and enable modern features like resizable bar as well as the security implications of running legacy

  • Last year I almost failed a large class assignment due to windows completely breaking itself to the point where I had to completely re-install it from scratch (my backups did nothing). Recently windows update outright broke on both my pc and laptop at the exact same time. You are not alone when it comes to this crap

  • So annoying. The start menu/search bar thing happens to me all the time. Ctrl+shift+esc and close windows explorer has become part of my daily routine

  • Windows 7 was great until it broke. Windows 10 is also great until it breaks but since I've been using my own custom iso with telemetry removed I have not had one issue with mine or builds that I've sent out.

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