Fedora Telemetry, Deepin AI, ChromeOS Flex is dead? Linux & Open Source News

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#Linux #technews #opensource #linuxdesktop

0:00 Intro
00:38 Sponsor: TuxCare
01:49 Fedora 42 might have opt-in telemetry
03:38 Deepin 23 adds local AI assistants
06:23 ChromeOS Flex might be abandoned
08:33 New serious OpenSSH flaw
09:50 Mint 22 beta is out
12:20 Proton launches Proton Docs
14:12 Gaming: ARM emulation, market share
17:49 Sponsor: Tuxedo Computers
18:49 Support the channel

Fedora 42 might have opt-in telemetry


Deepin 23 adds local AI assistants

UOS Al Revolutionizes into Next-Level Intelligence !

ChromeOS Flex might be abandoned



New serious OpenSSH flaw


Mint 22 beta is out

Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” – BETA Release

Proton launches Proton Docs



Gaming: ARM emulation, market share, Wine




by The Linux Experiment

linux foundation

48 thoughts on “Fedora Telemetry, Deepin AI, ChromeOS Flex is dead? Linux & Open Source News

  • Give a shot to TuxCare's services for kernel live patching, extending the lifecycle of EOL distros, and commercial support for AlmaLinux:

    KernelCare Online License Purchasing: https://tuxcare.com/enterprise-live-patching-services/?utm_campaign=The%20Linux%20Experiment&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_term=selfcheckout

    ELS Online License Purchasing: https://tuxcare.com/extended-lifecycle-support/?utm_campaign=The%20Linux%20Experiment&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_term=selfcheckout

    Enterprise Support for AlmaLinux Online License Purchasing: https://tuxcare.com/almalinux-enterprise-support/?utm_campaign=The%20Linux%20Experiment&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_term=selfcheckout

  • All these telemetry attempts act like we’ve been wandering around in the dark for 30 years.

  • Can we please stop calling it "Chinese deepin". 🙁 We don't say English Ubuntu or American Debian or US Fedora or Canadian Arch or Indian Garuda or German SUSE or Irish Mint…. It smacks of Red Scare, Othering and an undercurrent of racism. And I get that for some people it's habitual (given how often people write or say "Chinese deepin") but it's too often said in the same way as people talking about "chinese crap". And yes, I also get that the CCP is hugely problematic but China and the people who live there are not just the CCP and plenty of other countries are problematic without using their ethnicity as a perjorative (unconsciously or otherwise).

  • With the privacy invasions of A.lgotithmic I.nsidiousness the Deepin distro goes even deeper into the trash heap. Nothing more invasive and less trustworthy than the Chinese authoritarian State.

  • it's really strange see anything Openai related in chinese distro – during Openai officially blocked China by ip addresses, it's like promoting Facebook there which inaccessible

  • by that collected data you can find who works with Ai or possible suspect making viruses (but can be just software developer)

  • Steam has something called proton? it works amazing for games that are not linux native, wonder if its the same thing/group as the Proton mentioned in this video?

  • Telemetry is bad 100% of time. If you are wondering why its because you cannot interperet it objectively so it just wastes developers time and accomplishes nothing

  • China is Complicit in Organ harvesting, Genocide, Slavery, poluting the planet like CRAZY, and is an unethical government that doesn't believe it's people have human rights. You choosing to cover their technology, by extension normalizing them, is a bad decision. It's also baffling seeing the cognitive dissonance of you saying something to the effect of "I don't trust AI because it comes from Large corporations that try to spy on you, but this ai provided to you by a bigoted, genocidal communist government is JUST FINE because they're trust worthy and there's no way the genocidal tyrannical government did something as simple as put a back door in it so the user is responsible for maintaining their own surveillance surface area" like wow man.

  • Telemetry is such a simple problem to solve. The solution isnt opt in or opt out, its make the user make a choice.

    This way you dont have people needing to purposefully choose it, but you also dont force it on anyone. An empty set of 2 radio buttons, both unchecked, where one needs to be checked to proceed with installation is all you would need.

    In terms of information, just allow people to see all of the information that will ever be sent and deselect certain bits if they so choose.

  • You forgot to say Deepin is spyware. I know everyone knows but there might be newbies here. As much as it's interesting news you should be very clear no one should actually go and install it in real hardware.

  • Hello Sir, i have question

    i have a raspberry pi, and I want to host 2 websites on it.

    one will be a simple portfolio website, that's simple I think I will find solution for that.
    another one is an online drive like google drive/photos, in which I want to store my photos and files and use raspberry pi's storage, and connect that with an domain.

    is there any method to do so?

    i know flask website but I don't know how to host, please help!

  • Anonymous telemetry should be sent over Tor IMO.

    How about an LLM for changing KDE settings?

  • Telemetry in Linux? That's how it begins. Blink twice and you're the product

  • Chrome OS Flex is a big loss. It's a missed opportunity of having a big company contributing to the desktop-specific Linux stack (wayland, portals, etc), like Valve is doing right now.

  • We need Proton Contacts app badly. With this app Google won't be needed for anything else than Play and YouTube

  • honestly I don't think that ChromeOS transitioning to android stack necessarily means that the Flex version will be gone. first of all, current x86 Chromebooks will continue receiving updates until something like 2034, which means that even if the android base is incompatible with x86, they still will need to maintain something for x86. on top of that google has a lot of money and people and they own android, so I don't think that it would be a problem for them to expand android to run on normal x86 devices (especially since most new Chromebooks plus are x86). but again, it's all just a speculation

  • where do you think the training data came from for the base model? the same place all training data comes from. the "local model" isn't trained on your data. it is trained on the same scraped data all ai is trained on. The data you feed it is called fine tuning. You don't know what you are talking about when it comes to AI so you should really not talk about it. at least until you do. I find value in the rest of what you talk about most of the time but really every time you mention AI its more clear you don't know what your talking about.

  • You can do telemetry without identifying people – telemetry does not necessarily mean “evil”.
    We did telemetry for a product and it was strictly to detect reasons for a crash – great effort was put to anonymize everything and maintain it that way.

  • best improvement in mint 22 beta is the software manager, a lot more snappy now

  • thanks for the news. as for voice control of the system, the first one was Makulu Linux Max, unfortunately it was done online – the developer has his own "AI farm" and it is best to use it in the morning, European time, due to the low load on the server 😉 but it worked very well. Didn't use OpenAi etc local model is a great topic!

  • That zdnet article about chromeos flex abandonment is one of the stupidest thing I have ever read. The linked chromium blog doesn't mention anything about chromeos flex and yet this zdnet writer pulled something out of his conspiracy filled mind.

  • People complaining about opt-in telemetry where the data collected is transparent and anonymised and the code is auditable are completely insane and nothing will satisfy them.

    If you don't want telemetry, simply do not turn it on, it's that simple.

  • i’m a little confused, how is the android x86 project stuck on version 10, if I have android 14 installed on my 2015 MacBook Pro.

  • I'd rather like mint it's where I started my journey in Linux was with mint before moving over to KDE where I have just since been at home I mean I might move over to arch Linux with KDE at some point but as of right now considering KDE makes their own distribution called KDE neon that's just where I'm sitting at right now because honestly while mint is nice it looks very outdated visually it looks very very 2009 and well that's not necessarily a bad thing I can't get nearly the level of customization on cinnamon that I can with plasma

  • So I know that most people are going to hate on me for this most people are going to think I'm stupid or what the f*** ever KDE that do the whole slider thing or do opt-in instead of opt-out are doing it wrong I think it should be opted out not opt-in because I am happy to share all of my personal data that they need as long as it relates directly to improving the products and services that I use that they provide so I use KDE neon and I use all KDE apps on my computer is made directly by KDE if possible and I have no problems letting them take whatever info they need if it makes that product better because of how much I use that product

  • waiting for the day i can chuck Plasma Mobile on my phone and be perfectly fine for another 5 years ontop of the android support. ARM laptops SHOULD end up helping linux phones by making ARM versions of apps more mandatory

  • Coming from Windows and other proprietary garbage, Fedora's telemetry plans look rather tame compared to the huge tech companies around.

  • 13:55 – I looked for a way to sync Proton Drive to Linux earlier today. Rclone seems like a good terminal option. There is also a GUI wrapper for it called Celeste, but it doesn't seem ready for mainstream use. I wonder if Nick knows about rclone and is avoiding it for some reason, is looking for a GUI option, or specifically wants a first party client.

  • Linux simply Rocks, I use RichARCH btw. It made it quick and simple for me to get Arch Linux installed with kickstart like automation features.

  • I think ChromeOS shell (the desktop only) should be free as another linux desktop, i like the ChromeOS layout

  • Never use OS made by Google, it spies on everything you do, they dont care about privacy

  • Deepin could make computers do the laundry and dishes, and I still would never install their software. There is nothing about the Chinese government–and yes, any major business in China is tied to the government–that is compatible with the FOSS and Linux philosophy.

  • I don't want LLMs in any of my linux desktop. Because they suck. And also, any researchers using LLMs for their work is making a big mistake.

  • When ai OS coming you think?.. or maybe CPU replacement with ai chip.

  • Have you tried using S3Drive for Proton Drive support on Linux?

  • i'm glad that telemetry in Fedora is opt-in.
    But i'm mad about the telemetry tracking my desktop usage. Reporting some apps crash, performance issue, hardware specification is good for development.
    But my specific desktop usage. Does it's important how long i spend my time writing a paragraph of text in office apps, or how i draw an anime girl image on Krita? Does it will be our distro know everything our PC usage?
    What's importance to them about what I do with my Desktop? Selling ads? Train AI? OR will they suggest a premium course of gimp if they know i struggle making a circle in gimp?
    Desktop Usage pattern spy is just stupid windows move redhat do this year like "premium repo" (only "open" for paid member use it but can't redistributed, last year move)

  • ChromeOS Flex is pretty bad anyway, OpenFyde is a much better OS.

  • I am very surprised Proton made Docs. I think it will be a game changer. I use their paid plan and generally VERY happy with their suit (mail, passwords, mail forwarding, great VPN, personal calendar and now Docs), it deserves every penny you pay them. However, would not recommend using Proton Drive for general file storage and Contacts. I hope some day they'll improve those services and will take the market by storm.

  • I am going to give this a try as I could not find a better place to post / ask. I manage a small campground and marina and obviously we have need of computers and I-net connection. Yet as a small operation we really only need a good web browsing / email / office suite and some small programs we use uniquely. The problem I am having is that with the windows computers we have (only two) we are being pushed (forced almost) to update windows and microsoft accounts and all the bloat / ads that come with the current windows (11).

    Truth be told our needs are simple and we truly do not need all this junk being pushed on us, and I can not stand the microsoft account push, we have managed to still have local logon for now, but I worry that will be coming to an end in the near future. So the real crux of this post is what would you say about moving to a Linux distro and having a windows emulator to run some fairly old but simple window programs as needed.

    It seems Linux may finally be up to covering the basics of a small business like I have.

  • Fedora sounds like they're doing telemetry in a responsible way. AI should be run locally & be trained on on data the user is entitled to use, as Deepin appears to be doing.

  • Hm I didn't know deepin was Chinese based. Just another reason I never recommend it

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