Festive holiday zombie slaughter! (7 Days to Die: Alpha 21)

I wanted to try something a bit different – and build a horde base worthy of the xmas holidays. Lets see if it holds up to an INSANE difficulty 64 zombie horde night!

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7 Days to Die is a survival horror video game set in a post-apocalyptic world where players must scavenge for resources, build shelters, and defend themselves against hordes of zombies. The game takes place in a randomly generated world and features a day-night cycle, with the zombies becoming more aggressive and difficult to deal with at night.

Players must also manage their hunger and thirst levels, as well as avoid other environmental hazards such as extreme temperatures and wildlife. The game can be played alone or with others in multiplayer mode. It was developed by The Fun Pimps and released in 2013 for Microsoft Windows and later for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Linux.

Game settings
Difficulty : Insane
# of Zombies: 64
Everything Else: Default


0:00 Walkthrough
2:20 Horde Night
6:54 Montage
8:02 Horde Night cont.
12:51 Damage report
14:38 Outro

#7daystodie #alpha21 #7dtd


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34 thoughts on “Festive holiday zombie slaughter! (7 Days to Die: Alpha 21)

  • You build some amazing bases my friend. Well done!

  • Fun base, well done! Thank you for this and have a wonderful Christmas!

  • The nightmare before Christmas but it’s zombies hehe. Merry Christmas!

  • Merry Christmas! The best Christmas present ever . . . a CP zombie slaughter platform.

  • I’m so excited for this to come to consoles. Even though I’ve watched so much gameplay of it on PC, I’m still pretty sure my first like 3 playthroughs will be total disasters 😂 all of the little things hidden in perks I think will be my biggest struggle. You have to invest a lot to get certain perks, not knowing if that’s what you should have gotten. Trial and error basically. There are many perks I expect I’ll want to focus on, but until I play it myself I won’t know. But I can’t wait to have fun with traps! On console I’ve just used cheese bases where they can’t actually do anything, so it’ll be a huge change for me. And I have them on ‘never run’ because they run in circles all day, until you try and get close enough to melee because trying to shoot that target is impossible, and then they snap out of it and fk you up when you get close 😂

  • Amazing Idea. I thought for sure you would at least put electric wire across the candy canes.

  • Thank you for another creative idea! You never disappoint! Loved all the little touches on this build (flashing lights and bells 😊). You sure have been an inspirational part of my 2023 builds. I hope you have a great holiday season.

    As a year ending idea, how about a video to overview your favourite builds of the year?

  • Pretty creative Pancake, Thanks for the video man, always entertaining!

  • Great design and an entertaining video 🙂 Cheers and Merry Christmas to you Mr Pencake 😉

  • Another amazing base and a great way to end the year. Thank you for all the fun and ideas and happy Christmas CP. See you in 2024.

  • This is amazing! Incredibly creative, as usual. Love it!! I can’t wait for the FunPimps to see it! 🎄🥰🙌💗

  • Love the build, very creative and very festive.
    Have a great Christmas matey and a very happy new year you!!!!

  • The zombie pupper at 6:14-ish looked like he was just waiting to be petted 😂

  • Hey, Cautious. What an awesome base! I do love your holiday themed ones, like the skull at Halloween. Looks like this was a challenge to build as well, but worth it. I love the additional flashing lights too, it just tops it off. I look forward to seeing more of your content in 2024. It would be great to see some older base builds redone for A21 to see if they still work/function.

    Hope you have a great Christmas/New Year.

  • Love it, your videos are always so fun and interesting. Amd your voice is soothing. Merry Christmas, Cautious, and thanks for making great videos 🙂

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