linux ftp serverLinux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONS

FileZilla FTP Server – Setup Tutorial


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by JDHackAttack

linux ftp server

35 thoughts on “FileZilla FTP Server – Setup Tutorial

  • Thanks for posting, but unfortunately, the music is too loud and I just could not go all the way as your words are covered by the music.. I will recommend that you reload the video without the music. Thanks anyway

  • My friend, as important as this subject is to a lot of people, you should not have any MUSIC! in the back ground, I could not hear anything that you were saying, and if I were you I would take this video down and do it all over again, without the MUSIC! Just a thought!

  • I have no idea why is that music for I just stopped in between your video. sorry

  • You evidently put a lot of time into this. It's sad that you did it in such a way to make all that hard work completely pointless when you did music over it all. Just because adding music is an option doesn't mean you should use it.

  • Good grief! I cannot hear the explanation at all. Horrible loud music is all a person can hear.

  • I can't hear you over the music. too bad

  • Get rid of the music, I can't hear what your saying.

  • Is this a music video or a tutorial?? I found myself punching kids and screaming with the foo fighters. Come on kid.

  • Great tutorial! But what is the background music???

  • Thank you for attempting to help it seems like without the music your video would be among the other verry useful things i find here in youtube. To you and every one else that take your precious and limited time on planet earth to share helpful info to others ABSOLUTELY FREE, I say " you guys are fricken AWSOME"….

  • With all your knowledge and cool effects you couldn't figure out how to turn down the music in your video editor?

  • OMG I can't hear a freaking thing you're saying please drop the music it added nothing to your instructions and in fact detracted from what appeared to be valuable instructions.

  • Oh my God! All am I hearing is the music playing at the background!!!! I can't hear your voice! it is so disturbing! please upload another video!!!

  • You should upload this video again, remove that 23 second, good for nothing intro and talk without that loud music. Can't understand 95% of what you are sayong

  • no he liks the theme and style of mac but wants the functionality of windows

  • If you have audio why on earth would you put a song. use your brain.

  • Tip, use music with NO LYRICS next time. youll get better ratings.

    its too $&^(*?! distracting!!

  • Thanks for attempting to make our lives easier, but could you lower the music please? Thanks.

  • With that sone playing I couldn't even hear you and I didn't watch the whole thing. try it without the music. More people would probably watch it.

  • When i install filezilla, the host number where do i find that?

  • dude with that song in there I could barely hear you, I lasted just over a min. I am sure its a great tutorial but no one will hear you. Take out the music or talk WAY louder. 🙂

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