Firewall: How ZoneRanger Handles SNMP Protocol Traffic
All SNMP protocol traffic is carefully inspected by the ZoneRanger, and where applicable is matched with known outstanding requests, before being allowed to pass.
ZoneRanger can be configured to provide SNMPv3 conversion, allowing management applications to continue to use the older, more prevalent versions of SNMP, while enabling the selective use of SNMPv3 within firewall-partitioned zones where higher levels of security are required.
The ZoneRanger allow you to pass all of your management traffic through a single, encrypted open firewall port.
o Reducing your networks attack surface.
o Eliminating expensive firewall rule change management for your network management traffic.
o Providing much faster response time for adding and configuring new network devices.
o And freeing up valuable time for your network and security engineers.
Learn more about Tavve’s ZoneRanger at
by Tavve Software Company
simple network management protocol