First Ring Daily 1557: Windows 10 Extended
On this episode of First Ring Daily, Microsoft will extend the life of Windows 10 for a price…probably.
how to repair windows 10
On this episode of First Ring Daily, Microsoft will extend the life of Windows 10 for a price…probably.
how to repair windows 10
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The pc that my parents use is a Dell from 2016 with a i7 4790, ssd drive, 16gb ram and a gtx 1050ti (I've changed the video card a couple of times). It has windows 10 installed. We live far apart and when I visit them a couple of times a year, I offer to get them something newer. They always declined because it does whatever they use it for. E-mail, looking up stuff, watching youtube,etc. A lot of people are casual pc users. They want to keep Windows 10 because it's familiar and what they know how to use.
You need to be sure that you are in HIS drive space rather than he has access to YOUR storage…and HE should have copied them out of your space within a reasonable time of you telling him to PULL them from your space….
I ended up going to Windows 10 on my Windows 11 laptop because Microsoft in their latest updates borked thunderbolt and it doesn’t work with my black magic card anymore
u did that with paint,,,why
i believe if you log into google drive on the web you have a trash can to undelete for 30 days.
Yes blame google, not knowing how to manually back up your masters.