Best Tips to Fix Windows 10 Blue Screen System Service Exception Error:
In this video I will show you how to Fix: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION BSOD on Windows 10 (2020).
AMD Graphics Card Driver:
Nvidia Graphics Card Driver:
Commands used in the video:
chkdsk /r
sfc /scannow
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how to repair windows 10
So, do I just have to do this SUPER FAST, in between the blue screen popping up?! 🤬
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what to do if computer after this error doesn't startup?
I'm not updated drivers, while i got this error, my laptop shutdowns and didn't startups. what to do for this?
But I cannot even get inside the laptop and its looping in the password
Im getting this bsod like 16 times in one day lol
I am unable to do the sfc scan thing as I am getting a bsod around 50-70%😭
Problem is that i dont have cmd, it says that it doesnt exist
I did the system scan in the command menu, it said they found corrupt files but were unable to fix some of them. It gave me the cbs log files for online repairs but I can’t figure out what’s wrong there and you skipped what happens when the scan finishes.
Every time I try factory resetting it gives me the blue screen do you know how I can fix this
I hate windows 10 so so so so so much
Lol awsome mine says unable to download, try local download. Now what?
Not help…
Once a day? Nah fam 12 times a day
My pc wont restart for me in there it just stend on 100%
i try to update drivers but while doing that it blue screens so it doesnt finish
my gpu isn't up to date haha
I get this problem all the time. I thought it was up to date. The thing is, how to do all these when the laptop goes to the blue screen straight away? Should I do so in safe mode, and then allow internet access (safe mode disables internet)? Thank you
Mine's keep crashing like every 30 second any idea how to fix that?
i think it’s gpu problem
2 24
it wont let me run them when i use the first one it just says "Access Denied as you do not have sufficient privileges or
the disk may be locked by another process.
You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode
and make sure the disk is unlocked."
and the second one just says
"You must be an administrator running a console session in order to
use the sfc utility."
Is this format ?
Nothing ever works, I'm forced to factory reset my computer every week cause of the same issue :/ BSOD after BSOD, coming from console.. PC sucks. Thousands of different issues can occur for someone with 0 technological knowledge. And then I'm either expected to figure it out myself from an article or a video that explains the same options for literally every damn BSOD. I run scans, I check my drivers, I make sure updates are to date. And I still have no clue how I get a BSOD when I'm resetting it so much :/ Im currently wiping it again rn so I'll be fine for another 6 days.
Will updating to Windows 11 help?
My computer only stays on for a minute before this shows up!!! I can’t keep it on long enough to try a fix. Today is the first time this has happened!
Yo yo will my games get deleted if I reset windows?
when i tried to reset the pc. it shows the error again. which its not done. what would be the other solution?.
I can’t even open settings and the cmd stuff doesn’t work
i like how everone is blaming drivers, whilst its actually a problem with the windows update version itself
I have tried chkdsk/r and it says drive was write protected. What will i do? Please help 😭
it says access denied in the command prompt
I get a bsod when doing all of these ::
What about when you start up the pc?? Can’t go into safe mode either
i get bsod when I try to boot up Minecraft Java . :/ every other game that I own is fine.
What to do when windows is blocking reset from Cloud
Thanks for the video. I just got a brand new computer about two weeks ago and I’m already seeing stuff like this. This is my first windows computer in about 10 years and I’m really annoyed because all of my work just went.
this really helped, thankyou so much!
Hello pls help so if I get the bsod and when I try to update it the thing comes back -_-
But if i update the driver i will be more and more bsod
What fix ?
Is my genuine windows gone after reset?
do you have any clue why my pc seems to entirely freeze when trying to update windows ??
Ещё бы понимать, что-то
ty man, sys check helped me <3
Recently i bought a pc and today I got the bsod when i tried to video call my friend on facebook
And It just happens when i try to call them, I'm so mad right now
Does reinstalling windows fix any bsod?
Mine is stuck at 0% what should i do
I wish bsod is removed 🙁
I got this BSOD while trying to fix it 😭
I reinstalled my windows 10 2 times and I get this error again