Fix Upgrade Errors 0xC190020c, 0xC190020d, 0xC190020e, 0xC190020f
If you receive an error code 0xC190020c or 0xC190020d or 0xC190020e or 0xC190020f during a Windows Upgrade, then the problem is with your disk space. When upgrading Windows, you need to have ample space on your computer as files are downloaded, expanded, and even backed up. Here is the list of error codes with details you can receive.
Windows Upgrade Errors 0xC190020c, 0xC190020d, 0xC190020e, 0xC190020f
Before we suggest a solution, here are the details of each error code. Do note that the problem that all points out is the issue with storage space in the primary drive. While two of these errors also occur when users choose to cancel as the device doesn’t have enough disk space to download the updates.
0XC190020c (MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOADDISKSPACE_BLOCK): The system does not pass the disk space requirements to download the payload.
0XC190020d (MOSETUP_E_DOWNLOADDISKSPACE_CANCEL): The user has chosen to cancel as the device does not have enough disk space to download.
0XC190020e (MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_BLOCK): The system does not pass the disk space requirements to install the payload.
0XC190020f (MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_CANCEL): The user has chosen to cancel as the device does not have enough disk space to install.
The only way to resolve this is to use the built-in Disk Cleanup Tool, Storage Sense, or some free junk file cleaner to create free space on the System (C) Drive on your computer. When Windows starts downloading an update, it is saved into the Software Distribution folder. It is possible that the updates are available already, but there is no space to extract them and then install them.
It is important that you always have enough space if you wish to download and install updates in the future. You can create space either by uninstalling applications that are unnecessary or expand the primary drive space using any Disk Management tool. It will be tedious to do that, but if you do not have any option, as that’s the path you will need to choose.