fix user profile service failed the logon windows 7
Step by step guide to fix the Windows Login error: “User profile cannot be loaded”
“the user profile service service failed the sign-in”
Hello guys! today I am going to help to fix the error “user profile cannot be loaded” .
So please follow the instructions.
First restart your computer After restart press F8 key .
when you see the Menu so please select “Safe mode with networking”
now your computer will be start in safe mode after starting the computer click on Start button and in search bar write “Regedit”
and your system will search the file regedit right click on this file and select “Run as administrator” now open the following folders click on
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE” then click on “Software” and
then click on “Microsoft” after it click on “Windows NT”
click on “Current version” and then find the folder “ProfileLlist”
in this folder you will find two files with the same name here is actual the problem exist so here we have to change the name of both folders so just follow as you watching on the screen so when you are finished just select the lower folder remove the .ba from lower folder and select it right click on file “State” and modify it you can see on screen there is a value of 8000 just replace it with 0 after this right click on “Refcount” Modify.. change the value to 0 and click OK Exit and Restart your system
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