Fix your dns server might be unavailable windows 10/8/7 – 2021
This tutorial is about how to fix your dns server might be unavailable or dns server not available.
Sometime this is happening after update the network adapter drivers.
So my suggestion is just check if your computer have the 2021 released new update or not.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
At same time this solution also works on windows 7,windows 8 and win 8.1 desktop.
But not working for windows server 2012 r2 and windows server 2016.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,malayalam,cara mengatasi,artinya and hatası people’s are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to troubleshoot my network connection :
Troubleshooting has completed
Problems found
Your DNS server might be unavailable Detected
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How to solve your dns server might be unavailable or no internet access problem :
1.So what is the means of this issue?.
2.And this “dns server not responding” error is also common.
3.If you use wifi connection via hotspot first of all check that devices.
4.If that device mobile data works or not.
5.Otherwise if you use ethernet or lan connection via wifi router also check that warning indicators.
6.Once you check that warning message and then try this method.
7.So if you follow this step,finally that error is fixed.
8.But this is mostly occurred while try to access the unifi,spectrum,indihome and digi websites via chrome browser.
#yourdnsservermightbeunavailable #dnsservernotavailable #windows10
by Theta Box
windows server dns