Computer NetworksNETWORKS

Flashing Chat (Twice)

after 3 years of streaming you’d think I’d know better by now #twitch #egirl #eboy #emo #emogirl #emoboy #twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchstreamers #twitchaffiliate #twitchstreamerlife #twitchgamer #twitchstreaming #twitchcommunity #twitchtv #gaming #gamer #smallstreamer #smallstreamers #smallstreamersconnect #varietystreamer #gaymer #queer #gay #lgbt #shorts


ip address


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

7 thoughts on “Flashing Chat (Twice)

  • Its crazy how your ip address with your general state/city was what you listed before your whole ass lmfao

  • Be a man you are not a girl no one loves you and that’s why your parents disowned you

  • Wtf was that youre good bro no ones gonna raid you or even come within a 10 mile radius of you

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