Flavours of Ubuntu 24.04, Proton 9.0, NVIDIA + Steam Deck & more Linux news

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### SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/262
### Forum Thread ►► https://forum.tuxdigital.com/t/262-flavours-of-ubuntu-24-04-proton-9-0-nvidia-steam-deck-more-linux-news/6218

### Chapters:
00:00 Intro
00:30 Ubuntu Flavours of 24.04 LTS
07:37 Proton 9.0 Released
09:01 NVIDIA to support GeForce NOW on Steam Deck
10:11 Sponsored by Kolide
11:21 Golf With Your Friends’ Speed Golf mode
12:31 EndeavourOS Gemini Released
13:56 systemd’s “run0” is a sudo alternative
15:56 nano 8.0 Released
16:56 LibreELEC 12 Released
18:27 Amarok 3.0 Released
19:25 Announcement for TWIL next week
20:00 Outro

SHOW NOTES ►► https://thisweekinlinux.com/262


– Destination Linux
– https://destinationlinux.net
– Ubuntu Flavours of 24.04 LTS
– https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours
– https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-24-04-lts-noble-numbat-released/
– https://lubuntu.me/noble-released/
– https://ubuntubudgie.org/2024/04/ubuntu-budgie-24-04-release-notes/
– https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-24-04-released/
– https://ubuntustudio.org/2024/04/ubuntu-studio-24-04-lts-released/
– https://ubuntucinnamon.org/?p=1310
– https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-noble-numbat-release-notes/
– https://ubuntuunity.org/posts/ubuntu-unity-2404-released/
– https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/edubuntu-24-04-lts-released/44455
– https://www.ubuntukylin.com/news/ubuntukylin2404-en.html
– Proton 9.0 Released
– https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/releases/tag/proton-9.0-1
– https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/05/proton-9-0-released-with-expanded-game-support-for-steam-deck-linux/
– NVIDIA to support GeForce NOW on Steam Deck
– https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/geforce-now-thursday-may-games-list/
– https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce-now/download/
– https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5337
– https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/05/nvidia-make-it-easier-to-get-geforce-now-on-steam-deck/
– Golf With Your Friends’ Speed Golf mode
– https://store.steampowered.com/app/431240/Golf_With_Your_Friends/
– https://www.humblebundle.com/games/team17-from-golf-greens-to-battle-scenes?partner=tuxdigital
– https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/04/golf-with-your-friends-adds-a-hilarious-new-speed-golf-mode/
– https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/05/pick-up-golf-with-your-friends-trepang2-gord-neon-abyss-and-more-in-this-bundle/
– EndeavourOS Gemini Released
– https://endeavouros.com/news/plasma-6-with-wayland-or-x11-option-and-qt-6-ported-calamares-meet-gemini/
– systemd’s “run0” is a sudo alternative
– https://mastodon.social/@pid_eins/112353324518585654
– https://www.phoronix.com/news/systemd-run0
– https://lwn.net/Articles/971745/
– https://outpost.fosspost.org/d/19-systemd-wants-to-expand-to-include-a-sudo-replacement
– Nano 8.0 Released
– https://www.nano-editor.org/news.php
– https://lwn.net/Articles/971980/
– LibreELEC 12 Released
– https://libreelec.tv/2024/05/01/libreelec-nexus-12-0-0/
– https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-21-0-omega-release/
– https://9to5linux.com/libreelec-12-adds-raspberry-pi-5-support-hdr-support-for-amd-and-intel-gpus
– Amarok 3.0 Released
– https://apps.kde.org/amarok/
– https://blogs.kde.org/2024/04/29/amarok-3.0-castaway-released/
– https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2024/04/amarok-3-0-released
– https://9to5linux.com/amarok-3-0-open-source-music-player-officially-released-heres-whats-new


Thanks For Watching!

#Linux #TechNews #Podcast



33 thoughts on “Flavours of Ubuntu 24.04, Proton 9.0, NVIDIA + Steam Deck & more Linux news

  • I still have my Macintosh Lisa, but AFAIK they were released in 1985 (which mine is) not 83.

  • Is there any distro planning on updating their LXQt version to 2.0 soon? I was hoping Lubuntu would, but of course the deadline, specially for an LTS, was too tight.

  • I must admit that I am sooo sick of hidden options, key sequences, and fly outs from the lower left pixel and naming the same thing a gazziolon different things on different things to silo your app….omg….hopefully ai will be smarter than us and translate intentions into actions and sc*w the architecture, place , time, local and language….we've turned our world into a tower of babble to enrich the greedy
    It is all the same systems and concepts….mostly paid for by our government and created by students who paid to do it.

  • My favorite Ubuntu flavor is openSUSE Tumbleweed

  • @michael_tunnell Audio is perfect this time. Yay! 😄

  • The most surprising news was that they felt the need to make the Gollum-game compatible with Proton. is there actually somebody playing that one? 😀

  • ubuntu 12.04 has unity when I used it , now it back again ?

  • Убунту-презренное дерьмо)

  • Honestly systemd guys just be making banger tools and people keep yelling at them

  • Ubuntu Studio 24.04 has been very smooth sailing so far.

  • Poetterinng is an opposite of the king Midas. Whatever he touches becomes definitely not gold. Keep him inside his Microsoft and don't let him out. That company fits him well. Only IBM would probably match his reverse-Midas attitude better, but IBM is too close to Linux unfortunately.

  • I did try out Ubuntu Cinnamon, but ditched it again for the regular Ubuntu, due to too many flaws. I have become a huge fan of the new Ubuntu 24.04 regular. It has some update/upgrade issues at the moment, but that will all be solved in the near future. Do you know if there's a fix for the Gnome extensions(yes I did search for it) dash to dock in Ubuntu. When I install this extension, it provides me with a double dock, which is more than I need😞.
    I use Mullvad VPN and they are not ready with a compatible version just yet, which is a bummer.
    Thank you for this update on Ubuntu flavours and so much more 🙂
    Have a fantastic trip to theeeeee Red Hat Summit. Stay safe.

  • Ubuntu 24.04 is very laggy for me, sometimes taking several seconds for each letter while typing. Volume control sometimes have to be set twice in a row before the change is accepted. Keys lag and are "sticky" when I try GTAV which basically always makes you turn hard and crash into walls. This is a problem without a known solution right now and apparently I'm not the only one who is experiencing significant lag and slowdown.
    Apps also load slow but supposedly that's because of their snap packages basically sandboxing prerequisites…
    Also, no EAC anticheat for Rust and other games. This needs addressing securely.
    If you can figure out you'd be a hero.
    All this has me believing I'm done with Ubuntu, but I haven't yet picked it's replacement. I'll probably either go with Linux mint Debian or steamos

  • Proper names should be UUbuntu Mubuntu, Cubuntu, Bubuntu….

  • Looking forward to Ubuntu Lomiri, want my phone to match my desktop

  • The only problem with Nvidia GeForce NOW for me is, Firefox is not supported.

  • Obviously, for sudo to work properly, it has all privileges.
    It's also very temporary and used in the terminal only. Windows however isn't.

    Claiming a large attack vector is foolish because it's not the way sudo is implemented.

    The statement is nonsense.

  • Kubuntu for me, but i have to admit that Ubuntu kylin is so beautiful.

  • In my experience LDAP is used a lot in enterprise, not having support for it might be a deal breaker.

  • heh just like i predicted. the steam deck is changing linux ofr hte better and with all the attention hand helds are getting esp steam deck its more benificial to nvidia to aknowledge linux .

  • No judgement but… gotta wonder about that hard core Ubuntu unity community.

  • I'm a fan of Ubuntu Cinnamon. It just works and requires minimal fuss to get it setup the way I like.

  • So the steam deck has reached critical mass to be worth supporting. Thats some good shit right there. 👀

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