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FORTH2020 ZOOM12 AUGUST2021 1920×1080

Forth2020 group , monthly meeting,2nd Saturday every month. — Please **subscribe**& ++likes to FORTH2020 channel — help us promoting free open source activities, we are a group of Forth aficionados. Our mission is to promote the incredible work of the members in the forth community. Our meetings are free, participate with us become a member of the group https://www.facebook.com/groups/forth2020/
0:00​​ John Hardy “Forth threading models on the Z80”
00:40:00​​ Abraham Moller “ESP8266 Datalogger for Solarenergy app”
00:55:05 Ulrich Hoffmann “Tutorial: Forth Data Structures (Arrays)”
01:18:00 Ulrich Hoffmann “Integrating Holonforth & ESP32Forth”
01:44:48 Peter Forth “Forth prof. apps. : Forth controls CNC machines”
02:25:00 Dr.Ting “C++ Object oriented eforth presentation ”
03:17:10 Bill Ragsdale “Program, Test, Program, Test”
03:31:30 Ashley Feniello “F18 CPU Simulator”
04:04:21 Demitri Peinado ” Prolog in Forth short demo”
04:18:20 Howerd Oakford “Colorforth-ish short demo”
04:31:00 Don Golding ” FPGA computer news”


by Forth2020

linux dhcp server


Alice AUSTIN is studying Cisco Systems Engineering. He has passion with both hardware and software and writes articles and reviews for many IT websites.

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