FPS Drop FIX In Windows 10/8/7 [Tutorial] 2021
Advanced Settings for Smooth Graphics FPS Drop FIX In Windows 10 Tutorial
Windows 10 is slowly becoming the number one choice for gaming, although more because it’s the part of requirements and less by gamers choice. Nonetheless, FPS drops affect all systems, even the almighty Windows 7.
Windows 10 Game Mode, the very platform meant to offer enhanced performance in games, is reportedly causing several problems. Quite a few gamers have reported multiple problems that allegedly stem from using Windows 10 Game Mode. There is, however, a simple but temporary solution.
A few Windows 10 OS users are reporting the Game Mode negatively impacts gaming performance. The issue isn’t yet widespread, and the number of games that seem to perform poorly is also low. Microsoft has yet to officially acknowledge the Windows 10 Game Mode issue, and hence there’s no official patch yet.
Windows 10 Game Mode Negatively Impacts Gaming Performance And Causes Issues Like FPS Drop and Stutter In Some Games?
Windows 10’s Game Mode is a feature that prioritizes CPU and GPU resources to improve game performance. However, it appears this feature is also a terrible option for certain games and drivers. A few Windows 10 OS users who switch on the Game Mode have come forth with complaints about Windows 10 Game Mode negatively impacting gaming performance on some hardware.
It is interesting to note that computers with either NVIDIA or AMD Graphics Card are affected. In other words, the Windows 10 Game Mode issue is not particular to any one GPU. According to the reports and complaints, Radeon RX 5700 XT, RX 480, R9 290, and other AMD models are struggling with performance issues when Game Mode is enabled. Those using NVIDIA GPUs, including GTX 980 and GTX 3080 Ti GPUs, have also claimed their PCs struggle with Game Mode.
Sudden stutters that break your gaming experience, especially in the multiplayer games where the optimal FPS rate is a must, can be quite hard to address.
Microsoft has pushed hard for Gaming on Windows 10 PCs. Every update has got something for gamers, but it’s not without hiccups and issues around gaming. One of the major problems reported by users is Game Stuttering with FPS drops for games they play. The problem is partly with drivers, partly with updates that rollout to Windows 10, especially the Windows 10 1803 update that came through. In this guide, we are talking about tips to fix Game Stuttering with FPS drops in Windows 10.
What is Game Stuttering with FPS Drops
It’s rendering issue where content on your screen changes all of a sudden. This can happen for many reasons, but, if the GPU takes longer to render a frame than expected, it might even skip the frame or result in lag. This is easily noticeable during multiplayer games. You would see actions happening much later after you did it using a controller or mouse. Many a timesIf a driver takes very long to prepare a frame for the GPU, which means you will see everything delayed.
FPS or Frames per Second is a result of stuttering. So for example, 60 FPS means 60 frames per second. It is the frequency (rate) at which consecutive images called frames to appear on a display. If you have fast moving figure, which happens in the games, a higher FPS offers a better experience.
This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops,and tablets running the Windows 10 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba,Lenovo, and Samsung).
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