Free 2 Play Serratica on the Windows Server | Castle Clash
Free 2 Play Serratica on the Windows Server | Castle Clash
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Join Lootcakes with my link to win!
How to enter the $20 giveaway:
Create a Lootcakes account and link a Gmail account by July 15, using my invite link.
More info about Lootcakes:
Lootcakes allows gamers to share their purchase data, in the form of email receipts, from free-to-play games in exchange for digital gift card rewards. Lootcakes is open to U.S. residents and Gmail linking is accepted for receipt detection (additional countries and email providers are planned in the future). Purchases from free-to-play games on the iTunes App Store, Google Play, and Steam are eligible for rewards.
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Levels are:
I’m a Supporter @R9,99
The Pa-Pow Club @R39,99…
#CastleClash #Angrysagamer #Free2Play_Serratica
windows server