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FREE CCNA Lab 036: DNS (Domain Name System)

***NOTE: Some are reporting problems with reachability even after correctly configuring the devices. To solve this, try saving the device configurations and restarting them.***
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In this free CCNA/CCENT lab you will use DNS (Domain Name System) to resolve hostnames to IP addresses.


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10 thoughts on “FREE CCNA Lab 036: DNS (Domain Name System)

  • Hi Jeremy,
    I have a question – why am i not able to ping PC1 or SRV1 directly from DNS server using names?

  • Been in the shadows quietly learning using your labs Jeremy, both the Old package and now the new. To say that I'm truly appreciative of your monumental "labor of love" in this case is a colossal understatement. Thank you! It is my intention to support your Patreon platform soon as a sign of my sincere gratitude.
    Now with regards to this lab, even after configuring everything correctly, saving and restarting per your suggestion, reachability shall we say remains um….out of "reach"…
    Any suggestions?

  • I have a request for a specific lab: Another lab/video on DNS/DHCP that ask to configure the router as DNS/DHCP or a combination with a server. Thanks Jeremy.

  • The explanation is very good when you watch the solution and it's actually a very good lab for both DHCP and DNS. However, I just wish to make aware of what I have struggled with, perhaps that'd help others. Basically, doing the labs following the exercises step by step doesn't help to get to the solution. I personally would have managed without the instruction. Say for example, the excluded IP address came as step 4 in Question 1. Maybe the questions could have been formulated differently? Maybe I just should have used my common. But hey, who is perfect? I found that analysing the network to find which devices have static IP, which ones needed configuring etc… help make the problem much easier than it was. Thanks for your work Jeremy. As always, you are appreciated.

  • Step 6 pings didn't translate for me from SW1. Double checked running config and looks correct. Sad times.

  • I did step 1-5 successfully but step 6 i am stuck. I did the commands on SW1 as you specified at 05:21 but the ping fails for both SRV1 and SRV2 on SW1. I checked all commands and redid the lab but still fails.

  • I like your labs nice, brief, short and to the point. keep educating us self-paced individuals

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