Free CCNA (NEW) |OSI TCP IP Model and IP address| Day 4 | CCNA 200-301 Complete Course
Free CCNA (NEW) |OSI TCP IP Model and IP address| Day 4 | CCNA 200-301 Complete Course
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We are started New Playlist for CCNA 200-301 in this we are going to cover CCNA complete course.
This is Day 4 here we discuss OSI TCP IP Model and IP address.
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• The OSI reference model is a standard of the international Organization for Standardization (ISO)
• It is a general purpose framework that characterizes and standardizes how pc’s communicate with each other over a network.
• It is a conceptual model
• Its seven layered approach to data transmission divides the operations into specific related groups of actions at each layer.
• A layer serves the layer above it and is served by the layer below it.
Layer 7 : Application
Layer 6: Presentation
Layer5: Session
Layer4: Transport (TCP/UDP, Port)
Layer3: Network (IP Address) Router
Layer2: Data-Link (Ethernet MAC address) Switches
Layer1: Physical
We are learning this model for understanding Networking.
Application Layer: In this layer we will consider applications like browsing , email , other software .
Presentation Layer: This layer is responsible for Presentation data to application layer. In Simple words we can say this layer will responsible for data format etc. jpg or png for image etc.
Session Layer: This layer is responsible for sessions it create and maintain the sessions . Session is nothing but Time frame between client and server.
Example: Net Banking we do etc.
Transport Layer: This layer is responsible for data delivery from source to destination we use TCP and UDP
TCP stand for Transmission Control Protocol
UDP stand for User datagram protocol
Network Layer: This layer is responsible for adding source and destination IP address.
Datalink Layer: This layer is responsible to adding source and destination MAC Address.
Physical Layer: This layer is nothing but as physical connection like cable or signal . It describe about stuff like voltages levels and physical data rates etc. Like every thing what you touch as it is physical layer.
TCP/IP Model
• It is a protocol stack which consists of multiple protocols include TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol).
• It is the main protocol stack used in computer operations today.
• Where as the OSI Reference Model is conceptual, the TCP/IP used to transfer data in production networks.
• TCP/IP is also have layered but does not use all of the OSI layers.
Let see,
As we can see the upper three layers are now combined to the “Application Layer”. The network layer is called the “Internet” layer and the bottom 2 layers are combined into the “Network Access layer”.
Let compare this two.
Basically it is the same idea for this both only some layers combined and different names. The physical and data link layer are combined into the network layer. The network layer is not the internet layer and the session, presentation and application layer are combined into a single application layer.
Now let discuss about IP address.
IP (Internet Protocol): we are using two type of version
1. IPV4
2. IPV6
So let start first discussing IP V4.
IP uses packets called IP packets to carry information. Every IP packet should have address.
The IP address is 32 bit and consists of 2 parts, the network part and the host part.
The IP address is 32 bit but we write it into 4 block of 8 bit as given above.
IP Addresses are divided into 5 Classes, There are divided by IANA:- Internet Assigned Number Authority.
Class A 1-126
Class B 128-191
Class C 192-223
Class D 224-239 – Multicast
Class E 240-255 – Reserved
So we are only using Class A,B & C IP address
Subnet Mask: Its an address used to identify the network and host portion of the IP address
Class A N.H.H.H
Class B N.N.H.H
Class C N.N.N.H
Remember 255 represent Network bit and 0 represent Host bit.
We have Private IP and Public IP let discuss what is that.
Private IP:
• It use with in the Organization.
• It is Free
• It is Unregister IP
• It is Unique with the network
• It not recognized on Internet
Public IP:
It use in Public Network
It is not free (Need to Pay ISP or IANA to get)
It is Register IP
It is Globally Unique
It recognized on Internet
Please find the below private IP address.
Class A to
Class B to
Class C to