French lesson 6 in Tigrigna at EMM ( cours de français en Tigrigna – ፈረንሰኛ ብትግርኛ)
ኤሪ ሞራል ሜድያ መቐጸልታ ናይቲ ንመነቓቕሕን ሞራልን መንእሰያትና ኣብ ድያስፖራ ከዳልዎ ዝጸንሐ መደባት ካብ ድሮ ሓድሽ ዓመት ጀሚርና እውን ትምህርቲ ቋንቋ ፈረንሰኛ ብትግርኛ ካብ መሰረት ጀሚርና ክነዳሉ ምዃንና ቃል ንኣቱ።
As part of the motivational contents for our diaspora youths we have been preparing at Eri Moral Media, we are starting french lessons in Tigrigna.
#French_lesson, #Cours_de_français, #Eri_Moral_Media.
cisco academie