From Asahi Linux to Ubuntu: Running Linux on Apple Silicon

Ubuntu Summit 2023 Day 3 (05 November 2023)

From Asahi Linux to Ubuntu: Running Linux on Apple Silicon by Hector Martin & Tobias Heider

The Asahi Linux project has been the driving force behind porting Linux to Apple Silicon hardware, such as the latest generation of M2 MacBooks. They collaborate with the Linux kernel community and other upstream projects to make their work available to the wider open source ecosystem, and also work together with distributions to help them integrate support for these machines.

Ubuntu Asahi is a community project that aims to bring this work into Ubuntu to provide an easy-to-install and polished Ubuntu experience on Apple Silicon Macs.

Hector (marcan) will talk about the Asahi Linux project, the state of Linux on Apple Silicon, challenges they faced and their plans for the future.

Tobias will introduce the Ubuntu Asahi project and their ongoing work to make Ubuntu on Apple Silicon a viable option for everyday use.

Link to talk details and author bio: https://events.canonical.com/event/31/contributions/177/

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2 thoughts on “From Asahi Linux to Ubuntu: Running Linux on Apple Silicon

  • Amazing work, especially given the lack of assistance from Apple.

  • Asahi is one of the most inspirational open source projects currently. I love the open approach, youtube streams and goal to get everything upstream 👍

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