[Fun] Run QLC+ lighting control software on Chromebook using Linux by Crouton
This is not meant to be a tutorial video. but if you have the same parts, then you can do it too without any issue.
### Reference ###
Acer Spin 311 Chromebook : https://amzn.to/37nLWtM
### Timestamps ###
00:00 Intro Run QLC+ lighting control software on Chromebook using Linux by Crouton
00:15 How and Why running QLC+ on Chromebook using Linux by crouton
00:26 Set Chromebook in Developer Mode
01:19 Login and setup Google Account for Chromebook
02:02 Install Crouton and Linux
05:27 Linux installation finished and create a primary account.
05:38 Linux is up and running and fix an error message
06:26 Download QLC+ software
07:11 Install QLC+ manually in terminal
08:39 QLC+ is up and running
### Commands used in terminal ($ and # are just for indications, do not type in) ###
crosh) shell
$ sudo install -Dt /usr/local/bin -m 755 ~/Downloads/crouton
$ sudo routon -r bionic -t xorg,chrome,audio,keyboard,lxde
$ sudo enter-chroot -n bionic -u root
~# sudo apt install xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-dummy xserver-xorg-video-intel
~# exit$ sudo enter-chroot -n bionic
## On Linux
$ sudo apt install /home/*user_name/Downloads/*file_name.deb (* yours might be different)
In this video
$ sudo apt install /home/john/Downloads/qlcplus_4.12.3_amd64.deb
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