Garuda Linux Download and Installation Guide 2021

In this video, I will show you how to install a new Operating System called Garuda Linux which is one of the best alternatives to the Microsoft operating system and it works great on old and new laptops or desktop PC hardware watch the video for more.

Here are the links for both Garuda Linux operating system and Balena Etcher:


You will also need an empty USB flash drive 8GB minimum in size so you can create a bootable installer or live operating system if you want to run it from the USB and not your disk drive.
Also, I would recommend you try out first from the USB and not installing to check if everything is working properly before you install it on your main disk drive there are different versions or flavors of the Garuda Linux Operating system which you can find at the official site by scrolling down the download page or section.
Garuda Linux is up to date with the latest Linux software and drivers for your computer.


by Helping Hands

linux download

10 thoughts on “Garuda Linux Download and Installation Guide 2021

  • Did he jus give 10G for boot partition?!
    Bruh I Jus have 256M for boot

  • how i can connecte wifi after boot , i cant install bc of network not connected

  • the music sucks. it comes on max volume. and the illustrations run so fast it's pause, play ad nausium.
    For me the nausia came in about 1/4 the way along and I am going elsewhere.

  • I need some help bro , when i boot it says "can't access tty" and then nothing , can you tell me a solution for this?

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