Linux serverNETWORK ADMINISTRATIONSsmtp server liux

Get mail from your website through PHPMailer and SMTP server in Bangla

You might have some form on your websites and you want to collect information from these . The easiest way is the PHPMailer. It will send you an email onto your personal email attaching these information.

The PHP mail() function usually sends via a local mail server, typically fronted by a sendmail binary on Linux, BSD, and macOS platforms, however, Windows usually doesn’t include a local mail server; PHPMailer’s integrated SMTP client allows email sending on all platforms without needing a local mail server. Be aware though, that the mail() function should be avoided when possible; it’s both faster and safer to use SMTP to localhost.


by Ordho Britto – অর্ধ বৃত্ত

linux smtp server

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