Getting Started – Day 1 of Hardcore 7 Days To Die (Episode #1)

► 7 Days to Die Hardcore is a series where izprebuilt takes on 7dtd with some extremely annoying settings.

# Trader Quests Are Banned #
-Difficulty: Insane
-Speed: Nightmare
-64 Max Zombies
-Loot Abundance: 100%
-Loot Respawn Disabled
-Feral Sense Off
-Airdrops Disabled
-Hordes Every 7 days.
-60 Minute Days
-18 Hour Daylight
-XP: Standard 100%
-50% Player Block Damage
-150% Zombie Block Damage
-Death resets character progressions
-Death deletes all player items

Mods: ⚙
None this time!

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22 thoughts on “Getting Started – Day 1 of Hardcore 7 Days To Die (Episode #1)

  • Not gonna do a horde base on nightmare? I was feeling all good about myself not building a base for the first 2 hordes on insane, but if it had been nightmare i would have been dead in minutes. You can outrun and kite sprinting zombies for weeks or until you get tired of doing it… but nightmare the only way i can think is buy stock in mega crush.

  • Thanks for all of the regular content lately Prebuilt…Desert Ranger 2 just helped me through a rough second bout of Covid – your ideal viewer, to worn out to skip the ads!…love the idea for this series, can't wait for more.

  • For anyone wondering just how rare a water filter in loot actually is, it is a 1 in 400 odds of looting one from a destroyed dew collector. Destroyed dew collectors are only in a few pois.
    The odds of looting one in an entire 6k map are probably around 1% without loot respawn

  • I think the crafting time is tied to the resources used cause they increased the cloth per item also I remember you having to wait quite a while to craft a single part of a vehicle but to combine the vehicle it was just few seconds

  • What would you rather have? Cheese wotsits for fingers or tinned carrots for toes ?

  • Imagine how insanely obnoxious this would be with feral sense. Feral Sense would pretty much sap the fun potential entirely out of a playthrough like this (from the perspective of the player at least – not even sure it'd be fun for the audience).

    Feral Sense is, by far, my least favorite difficulty intensifier for 7DTD.

    IZPrebuilt – maybe do a short on Feral Sense and/or options to make the game more difficult/challenging.

    Love the settings for this series, btw. I'll look forward to each episode.

  • I enjoyed this episode and look forward to more

  • Why did you not hit the embers in the fire place for the coal for cooking/ forge?

    One mod I always have active is OCBStopFuelWaste and then I just press cook / smelt and let it do its thing.

  • No quests is a great idea – it really forces a different approach to the game.

    Not so sure about the reduced block damage. You'll probably edit out most of the whacking, so you're basically torturing yourself without adding much for the viewers. Also it affects not only mining, but also most alternatives to mining (wrenching, grabbing the resource palettes, …). Maybe reset that to 100% and throw away half of the stuff you mine instead?

  • for getting cloth from a bed you use an axe for full yield, for getting metal, use a wrench

  • Well I guess you deserve an easy mode series once in a while 😉 — Looking forward to see how this plays out!

  • So is not being able to ever redo POIs a thing in this version? Right? No way to rest w/out hte quests. So you actually will eventually have to probably move to an entirely new area for reasonable traveling times.

  • I dig this concept. I realy am glad no base hoard nights. Honestlyh the base really are just so boring.

  • One of my favorite things about your videos is your gameplay commentary. Thank you for being clear and concise.

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