Getting you [FASTER INTERNET] in [2 STEPS!!] by Silent Deviant [Already did most the work for you!]
By Aka Silent Deviant [Youtube Musician] -Getting you the best internet connection possible with 2 steps
1. Change Dns to [CloudFlare] Not included in .bat file
Start/Control Panel/Network and Internet/Network and Sharing Center/Connections[Highlighted in Blue]/Properties/Highlight/Click On [Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)/Click Properties/Use the following DNS Server addresses/Preferred DNS Server / Alternate Dns Server the Box [Validate settings on exit] then exit. [Cloudflare keeps a no log policy, some prefer Google, I suggest Cloudflare!]
2. Download .bat File [Link’s at the top!]
3. Double Click .bat and let it finish
4. Restart PC
NOTE: The cleaning process will get rid of every temporary file not being used by a process, if a file is being used by a process, you’ll have to manually get rid of it/them otherwise, your temp folder is cleaned!!. [Will get rid of most temp files] Slacker Mode haha [Let me know how it goes in the comments!!] [] for your speedy results
While cleaning temporary files can boost system performance, the impact on internet speed might not be substantial unless your computer was heavily burdened with such files beforehand. A crucial reminder is given about exercising caution when running .bat or executable files downloaded from the internet due to the potential risk of containing malicious code. It is emphasized to verify the source's credibility before executing any downloaded files. Additionally, the video wisely notes that although altering DNS settings can enhance your browsing experience, it may not significantly increase your internet connection speed provided by your Internet Service Provider (ISP).