Gettysburg – My first HISTORY BUFFS reaction
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This is ultimately one of the best Civil War movies, possibly second to Glory. It's biggest issue, though, is the terrible fake beards 🙂
id love for you to react to more of theyre videos and add on a more in deepth take on some things just like you normaly do
Tom Berenger as James Longstreet killed it, the sheer emotions were brilliantly expressed, the character of James Longstreet is done perfectly although history isn't that kind to him
This channel in one big "Well, actually…" and I love it 😀
Gettysburg is not a movie.
It is a love letter to America's military history.
Only way Gettysburg is great for the Confederate army is if it's a rout and some how the Confederate army is unscathed. And even then they would need to have it happen a few more times with similar sized battles and leave those battles unscathed as well. Basically, it's a Longstreet… Longshot… Sorry for the bad joke. 😂
Yes! This is gonna be a good series 👌🏻
Buford is buried right next Alonzo Cushing.
Erm… A lot of low level privates in the Army of Northern Virginia DID own slaves. Like they were 3x as likely to own slaves as the average southern farmer.
Now do Atun-Shei's 3 part video series on Gettysburg lol
I love History Buffs! More of this please!!!
Very cool. I went to the battlefield once when it was covered in snow which was very neat but cold. Had a park ranger do a guided tour of the battlefield for my parents and I. It was very fun. Love this movie. Have you seen the extended cut that was released on Blu-ray? I wish they had included the old man John Burns who fought on the first day with random units who had fought at Lundy's lane in the war of 1812
Finally, I like history bufff, been waiting for you to take a look at his videos.
My hometown was one of those milita from Pennsylvania you talked about. We have a stone from President Lincolns tomb. The Logan guard
I always loved history buff and i always wondered why you did not reacted to it but thanks for checking out history buffs and pls see out his video on braveheart.
I’d totally watch you react to more history buffs
Chris, please don't worry about whether or not you should react to something, we want to hear YOUR opinion on particular subjects because of YOUR expertise 🙂
Chamberlain never embellished his role or the battle, William Randolph Hearst did. Although he mentioned his disgust at the Hearst editors to friends, he died shortly thereafter and never got the chance to publicly clear the record.
YES! I absolutely love History Buffs and his video releases are must watch for me, please go through his catalogue lol
Awesome Channel great job in your opinion what would have happened if the South would have won Gettysburg
While this was kinda it can you please do a historical movie review series like you did with the Napoleon movie
I think one of the knocks on Meade is that he didn't knock out Lee on the retreat from Gettysburg, but perhaps the Union Army was in no condition to pursue Lee after such a large clash.
Atun shi actually did a video of each day and talks about what he likes and what he doesn’t like about the film
I went Gettysburg recently and it is a beautiful area and the moments really pull you into the history. Side note: there a is restaurant called The Gettysburger and based on the name alone, I'd recommend it.
I love the accuracy of the action in the movie but I do think it’s fair to criticise it for not having southerners say the war is about slaves. The rank and file soldiers may not have had slaves but if some officers did have them then I think it’s reasonable to expect at least some of those officers fighting to keep those slaves.
Of possible interest: "Sickles the Incredible," by W. S. Swann is one of the most insane books I have ever read.
Overall I feel Gettysburg was good and though I agree with you that it's perfectly reasonable for a Confederate soldier to be portrayed not caring about slavery but their rights. The problem is that of all the complex views the movie does portray, those at the grunt level to the military commanders etc… of all the politics and ideals and views it leaks through various characters an moments it really and genuinely does lack representing the fact that the right they were fighting for was in fact to own slaves and that though certain plenty of Confederates cared more about other aspects, there are plenty of journals to point out many OTHER confederate soldiers did care about slavery and slaves. They managed to squeeze in nearly every other view often multiple times and reflected in many ways (which is fine), but they conveniently left out some of those hard truths those of us with Southern Confederate ancestors should have to face in something trying to paint a full and complete picture.
In that way I think one can make a sustainable argument that it's Southern Propaganda, if of the softest variety. A lie of omission is still a lie and often the things that portray the most truths can be the most damaging at times. Truth can be a weapon for deceit. Countless Southern neo-confederate/lost cause types champion Gettysburg as proof that the South and the soldiers really didn't fight for slavery or cared about it… though that view is just as wrong as the inverse view (suggesting that's all they cared about) and I challenge you to watch Gettysburg with that in mind and not come out the other side feeling it awfully convenient and intriguing that such important history and views were mostly left out while so many others championed.
Watch his review of Braveheart. (Spoiler: He' not a fan of it!)
Another great channel going through the Civil War is 'History Gone Wilder', doing animated battle maps of various battles/campaigns, and having just finished going over the Chickamauga and Chattanooga campaigns.
So many great stories to tell from Little Round Top at Gettysburg; such as the heroic charge of Col. Patrick O'Rourke and the 140th NY Infantry during the 2nd day of battle.
Watch the new Epic History Napoleon video on the battle of the pyramids!!!!
at 42:55 he references "colors" and I just wanted to know what exactly is that.
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one
Waiting for Napoleon's Marshals vid too
Antietam aside, once Lee started facing commanders like Grant and Meade, his goose was cooked. Lee's instruction to take the hills if "practicable" is on par with Lord Raglan's instructions to Lord Cardigan at Balaclava. Both orders were rather nebulous and open to broad interpretation by subordinates in the field.
I love your content dude. I know this is a civil war video so forgive me for going off topic. Can you do a video about the history of immigration in the United States. Like, which groups migrated when. What groups had the largest immigrant population during which times. Or ethnic minority, like early french, african americans, to the germans, irish, chines, italian, jewish, mexican, latino. For example, I was reading that German-Americans are the largest ancestry group in america. I knew Germans made up a huge chunk of the populatipn but finding out they were the largest surprised me. I think just demographics and history of the topic would be interesting.
Totally agree that Jeff Daniels and Sam Elliot were the two best actors to play Chamberlain and John Buford. They were not amazing and my two favorite actors in the whole movie. 😁♥️
Great point about reenactors not reflecting the demographics of the (mostly) younger soldiers involved. It made me wonder about whether the same is true of GLORY – were African American soldiers who enlisted of a wider age demographic than the regular army?
Just curious if VTH or anyone here knows?
This was good, you should do more 🙂
Mr Beat has songs about every president (except Joe Biden)
I am so happy you reacted to him! I think he is great. If you haven't seen his reaction to "Dances with Wolves," I strongly recommend it.
I feel compelled to add a shout out here to a fairly unsung key figure in making the movie. Charlie Smithgall was the chief of artillery for the production and a man that new his cannons front and back. In addition to bringing I believe five pieces from his personal collection he was the man that put together the cannonade for Pickett's Charge. He also came up with the special effect you see when the Confederates are hit point blank in the face with a cannon shot. It was a tiny, tiny charge of powder mixed with talcum to create the effect. Charlie was the artillery expert brought in on many period movies and shows including the History Channel, A&E Specials and the like. Sadly he passed away last year.
I just watched this movie again for the umpteenth time (though it had been a few years). I absoutely love it – minus the terrible beard job on Berenger). Berenger, Daniels, Lang and Jordan are amazing, but I didn't care for Sheen's portrayal of Lee as much.
The father of one of my favorite actors, is the first voice you hear – Morgan Shepherd. He played Gen Trimble on the Confederates. His son is the incomparable Mark Shepherd. Mark just had six heart attacks a few weeks ago due to a 100% blockage of his major arterial artery. We thank God for his wife and the LA paramedics for bringing him back and keeping him alive.
My only problem was the Battle of Gettysburg is how did the Confederacy got up to Gettysburg Pennsylvania not being spotted by Northern people. No militia or just a random group of individuals, harassing these men that shouldn't even be there. By this point in time everyone should have known the war was going on so if you're seeing the colors of the Confederacy you should think, they're the enemy, the army's not fighting them we should be fighting them.
My understanding that is the southern forces engaged in many high risk, low reward attacks, while inflicting high losses, endured even greater losses. And, at the time, the attrition war favored the northern forces greatly. While this 'worked' early on in the war with greener combatants, this was really a failure of many of the southern force leaders to continue this strategy throughout the entire war.
10:55 as in the 4 gospels? 😂
I worked with a mechanic who was in the film. He brought his own howitzers.
I also had a highschool teacher who was in it.
Lancaster, PA.
"Trust the history" is a mantra hollywood should live by when making movies about historical events and figures. If the history is more peculiar, complex, and interesting than what your script is, lean into it.
I love that Sam Elliot really talks like that