Git and GitHub | Basics and Advanced concepts | GitHub desktop for beginners

“Why exactly should I learn GitHub?”

The number of people who don’t know GitHub is surprisingly large. If you wish to learn GitHub this workshop is for you.

Here is the workshop agenda:

1️⃣ Why learn Git and Github?
2️⃣ What is Git and Github?
3️⃣ What is meant by “branch”
4️⃣ What is meant by “commit”
5️⃣ How to work with Git commands:
(a) Git add
(b) Git commit
(c) Git push
(d) Git checkout
(e) Git fetch
(f) Git merge
(g) Git pull
6️⃣ Local and remote repositories
7️⃣ Cool GitHub repos and tools
8️⃣ How to host on Github pages?

It will be an information-dense, 90 minute fully hands on workshop.


by Vizuara

linux foundation