Gitanjali interviews Swati Handa! (Long version) | Cisco Networking Academy | #MakingHERstory
This interview is part of our series featuring women in various companies changing the world with their innovative work in STEM fields. In interviews conducted by Technovation Girls alumni and student ambassadors, we’re sharing HERstory in the making. Scroll for what’s in this interview. ⬇️
Swati Handa, Senior Product Manager for Cybersecurity at Cisco Networking Academy, spoke with Technovation Girls alum Gitanjali! The two address various important topics, including:
-Developing confidence
-Overcoming gender bias
-Advice to younger self
-Gitanjali’s awesome tool to detect lead in the drinking water in Flint, MI — which has made her a Marvel Hero!:
Students and those who want to mentor can find out about how to participate in Technovation Girls at
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