Global Cyber Outage: How did Microsoft Crash Worldwide? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Global Cyber Outage: How did Microsoft Crash Worldwide? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
Microsoft’s infamous “Blue Screen of Death” was visible all across the globe after a cyber outage brought airports, banks, hospitals and even Disneyland to a standstill. A security update by a firm called CrowdStrike caused Microsoft to crash. This outage was due to a mistake, but what happens if someone were to actively try and cause a global cyber shutdown?
Microsoft | Cyber Outage | Blue Screen of Death | CrowdStrike | Flights Grounded | Banks | Stock Markets | Business Enterprise | Worldwide Impact | Firstpost | World News | News Live | Vantage | Palki Sharma | News
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windows server
Why would they not check first on their system if the update will not crash Windows (trial on their end) before they update worldwide affecting the systems globally. Isn't that a logical protocol to do coming from a big company? It just sounds stupid that they didn't do that.
Thanks to crowdstrike I am working for 11 days straight
The new Microsoft CEO needs to step up to this responsibilities.
اتنی دیر کی بکواس میں نتیجہ تو کچھ بھی نہیں نکلا جتنی بکواس کی ہے جتنے مسائل بتائے ہیں گشتیوں کے بچو اس کی وجوہات کیوں نہیں بتائی مہنگائی معاشی بحران کے پیچھے کی کیا کہانی یے یہ سب کچھ ایسے ہی تو نہیں مقاصد ہیں اس سب کے پیچھے اتنا لوگوں کو الجھا دو کہ کوئی ہوش ہی نہ رہے اپنے ہی چکروں میں الجھے رہیں ادھر ادھر دیکھنے کا موقع ہی نہ ملے تاکہ اپنے اہدافات حاصل کیے جائیں مقاصد پورے کیے جائیں گلوبل کو اور شکنجوں میں جکڑا جائے سب خوشحال ہونگے تو رکاوٹ بنیں گے مقاصد پورے نہیں ہونے اہداف پورے نہیں ہونے اس لیے معاشی بحران مہنگائی بے روزگاری قرضوں میں جکڑا جانا اور بہت سے ہتھکنڈے استعمال کیے جا رہے ہیں جان بوجھ کر یہ سب کچھ کیا جا رہا ہے باقاعدہ پلاننگ ماسٹر پلان کے تحت
Grumpy Grandpa here DEI Microsoft making companies beg for help.😂😂😂😂
Time to switch to Linux, Ubuntu, RedHat, KDE or Gnome. No crashes.
The same is going to happen to your weapon systems if its imported from the West or not indigenously built.
How can U b a superpower if you're so vulnerable ?
Microhard ho gaya sayad 😂
I don’t believe in accidents in the Tech Sector’s. In essence, my intuition tells me that this was merely a test of control! If they can disconnect your World at the flip of a button, then they control us!
This began in 2019 my computres displayed this blue screen and demaned a key they know i dont have
kinda like free-advertising for Mac and Linux 😂
because these people control everything like Meta and Googles and networks controlled by the Elimunaties
so cyber security crashes cyber all over 😮
If microsoft is down the whole world is shut down.
And what is the power and potential for mass surveillance, control and cyber-warfare that could be implemented by a single source with ability to "CrowdStrike" billions of computers that run the world at the operating system Kernel level?
Microsoft went very soft. 🤣
We now need Macro Hard… opposite of MicroSoft.
Never update your systems in the first day. 🤣🤣
Btw, Linux is the best choice of them all.
imo there was zero day exploit and they forced to shutdown
Bharat OS
the tester was on strike @Crowdstrike.
Palki Sharma is the best news anchor, I have ever seen. She explains things in a way that even a 5th-grade school student can easily understand. She is an Excellent Communicator.
it's crowdstrike! not cloud strike ! embarrassing for a news anchor to repeatedly mispronounce the name. Imagine if you were naming someone named John Smith who committed criminal charges and repeatedly call him James Smith in your report and never correct yourself. You might be implicating someone else accidentally and get sued.
Indian software developers in India did not test the update and released it onto the world's computers
System restore.
But it is simple to fix that. What were the technicians doing.
Indian always mess things up nothing new here always Indian
What backups? Do you really know what the issue is? Rofl !!
Made in india😅