GNOME has a Spending Problem..

The GNOME Foundation who creates the most popular Linux Desktop environment called the GNOME Desktop is having some financial issues.. How are they planning on fixing these issues? What Linux desktop will become the best?

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Useful Commands/Links:
Discord: https://discord.gg/P9QC2km

Report – https://foundation.gnome.org/reports/
Blog – https://ramcq.net/2024/04/26/update-from-the-gnome-board/
Donate – https://www.gnome.org/donate/

#linux #desktop #pc


by SavvyNik

linux foundation

7 thoughts on “GNOME has a Spending Problem..

  • What desktop are you currently using on Linux?

  • So, the cunning plan is the famous 'Five Year Plan' used by many a CEO which, to my knowledge has always meant the business going completely bankrupt in three years.
    A plan devised by a professional shamen whose vision is DEI and diversity hires, same as the studios in Hollywood which have shown sooooo much growth and popularity as a result. Oh, and using the magic words 'Inclusive/Inclusivity' and 'diverse/diversity' in every other sentence of anything written which I assume is part of the shamen thing.

    I think I can see KDE taking over.

  • I really don't trust the GNOME foundation, correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't they the ones who hired a professional Shaman or something like that?

  • I am NOT surprised…

    when you create the buggiest Desktop environment that consumes RAM like there is NO tomorrow…

    this is what happens…

  • Gnome will continue its inward focus and lose relevance.

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