GNOME's Secret New Terminal App in Ubuntu 22.04: Here's What it Looks Like

GNOME 42 introduces a new terminal application called Console. It’s a “simple, user-friendly terminal emulator” with fewer features than the GNOME Terminal but a few good ones of its own.

What I like in the new GNOME Console:

– Desktop notifications for command completion
– Color changes for terminal activities

What I don’t like in the new GNOME Console:

– Almost no customization option

In Ubuntu 22.04, you can install the GNOME Console using this command:

sudo apt install gnome-console

More details and steps on making it the default terminal: https://itsfoss.com/gnome-console/



12 thoughts on “GNOME's Secret New Terminal App in Ubuntu 22.04: Here's What it Looks Like

  • Too much mouse… How can I open multiple terminals and alternate among them?

  • Nice! And the wallpaper is awesome 😂

  • Worth noting that the original push for this wasn''t actually just to update to the new design guidelines but because Purism wanted a terminal application that's usable on their privacy focused linux phones. It's unlikely most desktop distros will switch to it without a compelling reason for their users.

  • Thanks pal, Someone knows, if the console terminal support ligature? using the Cascadia Code PL font. If so, How can we enable it?

  • The notification feature can be used on any terminal, that's if you are using ZSH there's a plugin for that.

  • they should name it gnomesole

  • Seems they're trying to baby people into using this desktop environment. Keeping track of your user , and using the jobs, screen, and reptyr utilities has always been enough for me. Awareness is key .

  • I tried it, and ditched immediately since it has wayyyy less features than gnome-terminal.

    I use multiple profiles and other kinds of customisation in the Terminal

    Console's approach to color the title bar according to the situation is an amazing idea actually
    I'd switch with pleasure if I get some features in the future 🙂

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