Google Gemini…Does it Actually Work?

Google Gemini – Finally Google Bard is usable!

I put it through a small test against Claude.AI and ChatGPT. I have to give Google credit. I like it! I hated Bard before. Now, I can use it! Take a look at Google Gemini. I wish that Google would change that horrible name of “Bard” to “Gemini” or “Exodus”. Bard as a name sucks!

Google Gemini Marketing Launch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV1vkHv4zq8

Google Gemini Blog:

Google Gemini:

Google Bard (Backed by Google):

Claude.AI (Backed by Amazon):

ChatGPT (Backed by Microsoft):

Create a step by step lab tutorial to study for the LFCS (Linux Foundation Certified Systems Administrator) exam based upon the latest exam objectives found on the Linux Foundation website. Make the studying process interactive with actual hands-on exercises that can be performed on Rocky Linux or Ubuntu on Virtualbox. The training exercies need to be detailed and step by step for the entire domains and compentencies of the performance based exam.

Setting up a Kubernetes cluster involves multiple steps, and the process can vary based on your specific requirements and environment. Below is a simplified guide for setting up a basic Kubernetes cluster on Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. This guide assumes a master and a single worker node, but you can scale it according to your needs.


by Shea’s Tech & Search

linux foundation

2 thoughts on “Google Gemini…Does it Actually Work?

  • I think the biggest advantage Google has is that they own TPUs which are multiple times more powerful and efficient than GPUs for language models. That is why it is so much faster than the other services. I'd also recommend creating a new conversation for each new topic.

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