GOSIM 2024 Europe Manoj Radhakrishnan: Building the Linux for Payments – An Hourglass Approach

Federated payments systems across the world are very complex and diverse. Such payment systems could become like a utility, like air or water – because payments are nothing but moving bytes to enable the flow of money between entities. For this to actually happen, the supporting software for payments should become a utility. But, in the current world – Small businesses cannot afford to build a payments infrastructure which a large business can afford to build inhouse Lot of repeated work happens in silos to innovate upon federated payment systems and in connecting digital applications to the payment building blocks Diversity of the payments system spanning – banks, payment processors, country specific card networks, regulations, payment methods keeps growing, Hence this is the right time for a Global Unifier to bring in the Hourglass approach into payments, similar to Linux; or like the internet protocol. For such a Global Unifier to succeed in the Federated payments world – on one hand it has to be Open and Community Driven. And on the other hand it has to embrace Capitalism and be bound to Regulations.
Manoj is the Head of Product and Founding Member at Hyperswitch – an open source initiative of Juspay Technologies, a global payments orchestrator processing 100 million transactions per day. As a payments and open source software enthusiast, he has experience working across technology and strategy consulting domains for 12+ years.
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by GOSIM Foundation

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